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    1. jstenholt

      Blasphemy: More Complicated Manufacturing. Much More Complicated.

      Yeah, Factorio is great, but it's Factorio. I'm not sure the concept that makes complexity in Factorio fun would translate well to Starmade.
    2. jstenholt

      Dank's Thread

    3. jstenholt

      Massive planet station project

      Remember, that trouble you were having is only going to get infinitely worse as you add blocks.
    4. jstenholt

      StarMade Ship Size Comparison Chart

      Thirding the sort by faction/builder idea.
    5. jstenholt

      Massive planet station project

      Yeah, I run a GTX 1070 with 32gb of ram and an i7, and still a fully turretted, mostly decked out 1km ship still brings me sub 60 fps.
    6. jstenholt

      Massive planet station project

      Oh dang, Shield World 459 from my favorite section of Halo Lore. I just hope you've seen Skylord Luke's SoF. But yeah, you're not going to get too far making a planet scaled entity.
    7. jstenholt

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I pity those who will have to read this entire thread.
    8. jstenholt

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      My one concern is refitting turrets. I don't know anything about how they'll work yet, and I'm still dreading doing it, because most of my ships have at least a few dozen and my unfinished capital already has more than 100. Oh well...
    9. jstenholt

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      It's faaaaaaaaar too early for anybody to form a real opinion on this... I'm excited at the prospect of such a major change to the core game though, and cannot wait for more information.
    10. jstenholt

      Kupu's thread

      I LOVE YOU
    11. jstenholt

      Defensive Systems Revision: Contiguous Region Bonuses for Armor (and other tweaks)

      Overly complex and far too beneficial to capital ships.
    12. jstenholt

      Auburn's noise

      Just ask them nicely for their game in it's entirety. Then copy it or whatever. Game designing is easy.