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    1. MrNature72

      The Odium Pact "acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt"

      Insult taken. But still, Incap is right. If other factions weren't there to balance each other off, small factions would have even LESS of a chance of survival. Honestly, starting a faction is not as ridiculously impossible as people think. You just need to be aggressive. You can't just create...
    2. MrNature72

      The Lazarus Imperium - Join the greatest empire of StarMade today!

      Because they do. The Lazarus is one of the greatest factions. I started this thing right before the DFN-Vaygr war, and all we have done is grown. Admittedly, I see the Vaygr, Tartaran's, and even the DFN as elders, and I've learned a lot from them. But the Lazarus has risen among the ranks, and...
    3. MrNature72

      The Lazarus Imperium - Join the greatest empire of StarMade today!

      Although admittedly I did start this faction only after a week. Honestly, I'm still a bit of a newbie in game. I'm not the best builder. But hot damn I love this faction, and I'm super proud of it and all of its members.
    4. MrNature72

      The Lazarus Imperium - Join the greatest empire of StarMade today!

      But... a nerd can be a noob. Shit I'm a nerd and I was a noob for a while.
    5. MrNature72

      The Odium Pact "acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt"

      I assume so. I guess it adds effect, or something.
    6. MrNature72

      About faction points.

      Go play Dark Souls II with online activated.
    7. MrNature72

      The Odium Pact "acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt"

      My biggest question is when did the Lazarus ever get drawn into this. It's always been you going to war with us, and then eventually giving up until a later date. And you haven't "beat" us at anything. A real "spy" wouldn't allow the fact that he's leaking ships out to the public, among other...
    8. MrNature72

      Collection of thoughts on faction happenings

      Honestly, mediocre. What this game needs is some advertising and more word-of-mouth going around.
    9. MrNature72

      The Lazarus Imperium - Join the greatest empire of StarMade today!

      The Emperor welcomes you aboard.
    10. MrNature72

      THE Comprehensive Suggestion - The most thorough, thought out, and longest suggestion to date

      Once the mod community comes rolling around, I'll make sure to get to work with someone to make the Comprehensive Mod happen. It could truly be amazing.
    11. MrNature72

      THE Comprehensive Suggestion - The most thorough, thought out, and longest suggestion to date

      It was not necessary to bring up the Lazarus; That's trying to drag Faction stuff into here. One half of a sentence was devoted to saying "broken it up more", the rest was pointless, along with the image. Constructive criticism would fall along the lines of "here's how it should have been...
    12. MrNature72

      THE Comprehensive Suggestion - The most thorough, thought out, and longest suggestion to date

      GrandMoffTarkin One of the primary focuses of most of the interview responses was the lack of proper updates, and so forth. I thought it would be an interesting read. If you have an issue I would prefer for you to message me directly rather than further murk up a thread.
    13. MrNature72

      THE Comprehensive Suggestion - The most thorough, thought out, and longest suggestion to date

      Incap , Jaaskinal Honestly, I'm kind of dissapointed everyone who didn't read it is just posting tl;dr. If you don't have the time to read it, alright, that's perfectly fine. You don't have to try and berate it for its length. dsgraves One man could probably just control enough AI to keep...
    14. MrNature72

      THE Comprehensive Suggestion - The most thorough, thought out, and longest suggestion to date

      It was sent to everyone in that thread, because I thought they'd like to see it. It was not sent "to you". It was just something I believe people would think would be an interesting read. I did not thing you'd come on here and try to cause problems. I thought you'd have outgrown that by now...
    15. MrNature72

      THE Comprehensive Suggestion - The most thorough, thought out, and longest suggestion to date

      With all due respect, Ridik, I would like to politely request you stop responding to threads I make. Nothing you say has been constructive; It's all been focused around causing flame wars. This has absolutely nothing to do with the Lazarus, it's just my ideas all wrapped up in one convenient...
    16. MrNature72

      THE Comprehensive Suggestion - The most thorough, thought out, and longest suggestion to date

      It's time to revive this mama-jama To start things off, this chart represents how power should be separated in StarMade For the most part, this thread focuses on two things: System-Based combat, and AI. However, before we get to that big hunk of meat, I’m going to throw in some of my more...