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    1. S

      Some quick questions

      How fast?
    2. S

      Introducing... USD type 1 *updated*

      I really like it! I will probably put it on some of my other ships. Great idea! ((By the way, the left side of a ship is called the port side, right is Starboard, FYI)))
    3. S

      Some quick questions

      Alrighty, thanks guys.
    4. S

      Implemented Logic Jedi Badge.

      Or.... we could?
    5. S

      Color detection block

      Blocks detects blue light - blue light comes by - block sends true signal
    6. S

      Door breacher and Invading ships IDEA!

      ???? Dude I'm being perfectly civil. I guess I should probably leave this conversation. "Don't feed the trolls," as they say.
    7. S

      Savage Horizons - Hardcore RP server - Beta Launch Signup!

      Seems the website is out of money...
    8. S -Empire based PvP-US hosted

      So wait, is it like a RP server, or...?
    9. S

      Door breacher and Invading ships IDEA!

      ...I'm just telling you to calm down, and stating another way to board something.
    10. S

      Remote Activated Spoolable Jump Drive

      Have I got the thread for you!
    11. S

      Color detection block

      You could set up some sort of organizing system based on color. If the entity had a blue light, it would go to this place, etc. I am talking about separate entities.
    12. S

      Some quick questions

      Ah, that's disappointing. I was hoping for some rail-launched torpedoes. Will it be fixed in the next dev build?
    13. S

      Color detection block

      Logic block that fires a true system based on color. You would link it to the color of the light you wanted, and if it detected that color light in a 3x3x3 radius, it would fire a true signal.
    14. S

      Some quick questions

      Hello, all. I have some quick questions. Currently, I can't access the dev build because I can't play Star Made, but I had an idea for a drive that could allow a ship to go as fast as the rail's top speed. So I was wondering, what is the default max speed for rails? Another thing. Do push/pull...
    15. S

      Make jump drives activatable by logic

      But it isn't autopilot. Someone still has to be in the core. In any case, I don't see why that suggestion and mine could both be implemented.
    16. S

      Territorial PvP - Sherlock + Homes

    17. S

      Make jump drives activatable by logic

      That really never happens, though. In any case, if this ship has a fast recharge time you wouldn't need an auto-charging jump drive in the first place. It would be fast enough it doesn't make a difference.
    18. S

      Door breacher and Invading ships IDEA!

      Dude calm your prepubescent breasts. By the way, if you want some boarding action, it may be a good idea to fire off some drones with stop beams and then blow open the door.
    19. S

      Make jump drives activatable by logic

      ... no, there still would be consequences for hopping into a pirate station. The charge time would be the same. The main thing is that you could charge the J drive while firing weapons, but that really isn't game breaking. It would make hit and run attacks easier, but honestly hit and run...
    20. S

      Make jump drives activatable by logic

      How did you figure out it was OP? Because someone can fire and charge the jump drive at the same time? You can already do that if you have two people on your ship