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    1. S

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      What times do you guys play and what do you do? Generally, I am on weekdays for an hour or so at 7 PCT (I will probably stop playing on weekdays soon, though) and weekends are highly varied. Right now I am working on a planet colony. I have some lore ideas for it. Also, I am looking to leave...
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      Working 8-bit CPU =D

      Has anyone built this computer on their ship yet?
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      Working 8-bit CPU =D

      What can you use this for?
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      Read by Council Ship Weapon Aim Rework

      Space tank!
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      another hyperspace idea

      It is 2015. In one hundred years, people will scroll down this forum and laugh at the fact that we thought we knew how wormholes worked.
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      Working 8-bit CPU =D

      ...but what's it do?
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      Read by Council Ship Weapon Aim Rework

      Yes. Fighter combat would be drastically improved and more satisfying, larger ships would have have a nerf placed on them... I'm really not sure why anyone would dislike this.
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      Brainstorm This Better Faction War System?

      3v1 may be a bit much, but it is still a solution. The point being, someone has to be online for you to attack their stuff.
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      another hyperspace idea

      I feel like hyperspace should be another dimension where everything is close together, and there are more things to pew pew.
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      Brainstorm This Better Faction War System?

      Sure thing. Most of your post is really sarcastic and irrational. A lot of your points have been addressed already. There is nothing I can contribute to this discussion. This thread is a clusterfuck.
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      How can the player council vote out a part of their popular vote?

      It's a game. There are no supreme leaders, only dudes on computers.
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      another hyperspace idea

      Great idea, +1. I feel like this could really be implemented for regular FTL, too. Let's get rid of the current FTL, put everything in Hyperspace, where the larger your ship the faster you can travel through this alternate dimension. This way, hyperspace would be more integrated into the normal...
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      Brainstorm This Better Faction War System?

      I'm really annoyed with you right now. We recognize that you only enjoy PvP with no consequences, but others don't and the fact you fail to see that other people would benefit from this suggestion, Star made is an open world game where anything can happen. It is fine that you don't see it that...
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      Brainstorm This Better Faction War System?

      I really dislike the way you are arguing this. This is a red herring fallacy - you're making it seem like this about one play style, when really it is about many. ----------- Eh, there needs to be a better way to do it. I like the idea of sieges - but I don't like the idea of waking up and...
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      New Councillor + Impeachment process

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      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      We're all doooooooooooooooomed In all seriousness, the amount of work you put in is really impressive.
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      Parking "Brake" for Unoccupied Ships

      As always with your ideas, a top notch suggestion. +1