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    1. FunnyBunny14

      Starmade Logic Tutorials

      Good luck! You'll need it btw, as you'll need to have a lot of computers, which might get a bit complicated. One thing you could do is an automatic off-switch for the salvagers. @Bench, I'm curious now too. Is there any way to reset the area triggers so they send out another signal?
    2. FunnyBunny14

      Racially Diverse Avatars

      OK, I'm sorry @Lecic , but BeefBacon didn't say any of that. Plus you're not a defult human in the game, you're default Dave. There is a huge different between those two things. A couple of million years and a few dimension and 1 computer screen to be precise.
    3. FunnyBunny14

      StarMade 0.175 Custom Server Textures, Fixes, and Secret

      In the few months that I have been playing starmade (only since late june this year) I have seen some amazing developments, but this is my favorite update yet, just because of the awesome custom block support. And I know it has a few issues right now, but it still is incredible. And then we've...
    4. FunnyBunny14

      Starmade Logic Tutorials

      @SchnellBier don't bother making an automated salvage ship just yet. In this thread I say that they son't work and why: And as far as I know there isn't a way to use area triggers to build an automated...
    5. FunnyBunny14

      Animated water

      The animation only consists of 4 frames, which means that it will only be about 4 frames per second, and considering that shield modules/power capacitors/etc. don't lag at all, I think it is fair to say that it most likely won't lag at all. There is, however, a way to switch the animation off...
    6. FunnyBunny14

      Star-Made Modding API?

      I'm starting to get into modding since the new update. The new custom configs is a great start. There are still a few problems with it, but that will of course get fixed. I really like the block editor in the launcher. Unfortunately that has the most problems with it, so it currently can't be...
    7. FunnyBunny14

      StarMade 0.175 Custom Server Textures, Fixes, and Secret

      The block editor is fine for editing all the existing blocks, but new ones cause loads of problems. My biggest problem with not using the config is that all the names I'd have to use for making my mod aren't easy to remember, as they use all the old names. The raw resources are even worse...
    8. FunnyBunny14

      power supply beams

      Salvage slave effects are going to be fixed. Don't know if any progress is being made with the other non-damage beams.
    9. FunnyBunny14

      StarMade 0.175 Custom Server Textures, Fixes, and Secret

      I'm personally planning another mod. It should be fun ;) Although it looks like I'll have to wait a bit longer. I don't understand most of what's in the actual config file, I get as far as knowing what the numbers do and I know most of the values, but I really need the block editor. Otherwise...
    10. FunnyBunny14

      StarMade 0.175 Custom Server Textures, Fixes, and Secret

      I like it too. But until you can edit the files with the block editor I won't be doing anything with it anymore. Also, the manual changing doesn't work, because not all the config values are in the template. And tell me more about that bug! Please.
    11. FunnyBunny14

      power supply beams

      Slave them to cannons.
    12. FunnyBunny14

      "Secret" Spoiler alert!

      It will try to kill you, and you find it adorable? Wow.
    13. FunnyBunny14

      StarMade 0.175 Custom Server Textures, Fixes, and Secret

      One problem is that the template doesn't have all the config options. Controlling, controlled by and factory are the ones I could find, but there might be more. Edit: Will we also be getting custom build icons? Edit 2: I thought that it didn't save because I was using the block editor in the...
    14. FunnyBunny14

      StarMade 0.175 Custom Server Textures, Fixes, and Secret

      Is there any way to turn the overwrite off for single player? It currently is impossible to create a mod and test it, because the game overwrites it all the time. A server setting would be nice. Oh, and one thing that does still need implementing a custom texture for the way a block gets...
    15. FunnyBunny14

      Latched Freecam Button

      Sounds like you want a better double right SHIFT.
    16. FunnyBunny14

      Shipyard idea and brainstorming thread

      I'd expand the existing pages to give the information needed. It also couldn't hurt to link Calbiri's graph in the wiki. I'm sure you're familiar with links? You can use [[|Calbiri's graph]] , which then displays: Calbiri's...
    17. FunnyBunny14

      How the new factory system brings Starmade closer to release

      A nice way to balance shops in general would be for blocks to be sold to the shop for less credits than they are actually bought for.
    18. FunnyBunny14

      Calibri's graph

    19. FunnyBunny14

      How to Make Planets Worth Owning? I seriously need to keep track of how many times I post this link.
    20. FunnyBunny14

      How to Make Planets Worth Owning?

      No, @Valiant70 is saying that making planets have more resources or special resources will only make people want to salvage planets more, not make them explore them.