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    1. schema

      Implemented New Cargo System!

      This is a pretty cool idea. I'll definitely consider that
    2. schema

      SMEdit Situation

      if it helps, here is new new format of chunks (segments). the total size is still 3 byte. the indices refer to bits. the "start" is inclusive, the "end" is exclusive: public static final int typeIndexStart = 0; public static final int typeIndexEnd = 11; //11 bits -> 2048 (0 incl)...
    3. schema

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      but in the second q&a it was always just one person asking the questions. There were a lot of people in the channel but they were not intervening in any questions whatsoever.
    4. schema

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      im not looking for praise or a pad on the back. I just want to make a good game. Learning by doing is of course not universal. i also have the german equivalent of masters (before masters replaced it) in Computer Science. I was just trying to explain why I do things the way I do.
    5. schema

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      I know that people have jobs & a life, and not the time to take a college course. Asking people for something like that, who do content on their own free time is out of the question. It doesn't matter if it's a free course, because time is money. Other than that, I believe the best learning...
    6. schema

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      Neon_42 yes, there is not that much difference, but "soon" at least is the confirmation that it's still planned, and we didn't forget about it
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      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      Neon_42 not answering some questions would have probably seemed like I was dodging it, which may be even worse then a short answer. I agree that it may have been to soon, but with fewer questions the focus could have been more on things that I'm currently working on, or are next to be implemented.
    8. schema

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      Neon_42 the main problem of this particular Q&A was that the question thread was open too long, and therefore there were way to many questions. We kept answers short to get through all of them. Part of getting better is making mistakes. Be assured that this is one mistake we won't do again...
    9. schema

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      Neon_42 PR doesn't come cheap. But that is not they only reason. With mushroom fleet I see that they play the game a lot, and they are very committed. That's what makes them authentic. If you don't like empty phrases, professional PR is pretty much 99% that (just in much better wording and more...
    10. schema

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      One thing to add about the "that's interesting" phrase. Please keep in mind that tomino and the mushroomfleet are not professional interviewers. They are people helping out for free, and I'm very thankful for that. And I'm also not very good in interviews either explaining things. I often get...
    11. schema

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      Neon_42 The problem in general in developing any kind of software is that empty phrases have to be used. The alternative would be saying nothing at all. Saying "this will take exactly 2 weeks to do" is something that in almost all cases turns out to be a lie. And I don't want to lie. Prospecting...
    12. schema

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      Hi, I do understand the frustration, and I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want to get out things faster. I'm working around 10 hours a day including weekends. There are no deadlines because there isn't possibly any way to work faster. Things are done when they are done. Making assumptions about...
    13. schema

      Small Status update

      A lot of work has been done. So here is the status update (excluding bugs): New planets (50% done). I'd like to make some basic changes on how planets are generated, and some core principles, so it's taking a little New block-controller system to check what is connected to what (100% done)...
    14. schema

      New Website

      if you need any content copied from the old site, the old site is now available at in read-only mode (and will be for 2-3 month)
    15. schema

      Website launch today!

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This message will be visible in the launcher as long as the new launcher isn't deployed. News will be available on the new site, and your launcher will tell you when the new launcher is available. The website launch will now being. To migrate all database data...
    16. schema

      Reveresed April fools: The new planets are real

      Hello players! First of all I'm sorry if that joke caused any annoyance or frustration. We basically tried to do an April fools joke without lying by telling the truth in a very odd way. Calbiri acted on my behalf. I told him to make a news post about the new planes as fishy as possible. And he...
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      Mushroom fleet charity livestream on the 5th of April

      That trailer says it better then i ever could: Thank you for playing StarMade, - schema
    18. schema

      New planet mechanic idea

      This is a neat idea. Most of the planet approaches have too big drawbacks. But these ones actually look managable. I\'ll look into that
    19. schema

      StarMade 0.14 RELEASE

      If you are updating or playing with an existing player on a server, you have to ask the admin to give you a helmet. If you already have one you can place it in the action bar, and then activate it (like the pistol) to put it on/off I\'ll fix the issue with switched mouse buttons asap
    20. schema

      StarMade 0.14 RELEASE

      Thank you. good point. This is for people that are updating from the old version. I have to make that setting override for the next version