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    1. Nosajimiki

      missing blocks and suddenly not fitting structure...

      The inconsistent collision thing has been an issue since power 1.0. I used to see it a lot with hanger doors.
    2. Nosajimiki

      Shields, regen and bypassing

      The main reason to use shields is so that you can walk away from a really one sided fight without having to waste a bunch of time patching holes. If you are flying around a 100k+ battleship and some noob decides to troll you with a 1k bomber just to force you to waste time on repairs, combat...
    3. Nosajimiki

      [31st of March] Schine Bi-weekly Q&A

      With so many recent and planned updates eliminating systems that were previously expected to be made using logic systems, are there any practical applications of logic that Schine plans to specifically keep as logic based or open up in the future for advanced ship building such as weapon...
    4. Nosajimiki

      Planned Missile Lock Alert

      They don't take power unless you make them take power. Mass, RP, and resources, yes, but on small craft that are most worried about scuttling around threats, that is only a few extra blocks anyway. On bigger warships, missile detection would become a calculated investment against other...
    5. Nosajimiki

      Suggestion Disagree button

      The difference is that you think the devs will read everything. I know that they will not; moreover, I know that they should not have to, that is the whole point of having metadata. Missile lock warning is a good example of lack of disagree tags being an issue. It got a planned for...
    6. Nosajimiki

      Planned Missile Lock Alert

      Any ship too small to fit 1 extra mass is more than expendable enough to lose to an ambush. As for all the complaints about this not being a major nerf do not understand waffle AMS. An AMS waffle can reliable destroy 80-100% of inbound missiles, but you need to know you are under attack to use...
    7. Nosajimiki

      Starmade memes

      Anyone get a screencap of this first? I'm very interested to know what is considered inappropriate in a meme thread.
    8. Nosajimiki

      Schine Q&A Answers - 15th of March

      This is one that may be best answered by the player base. Ship size is only one factor. If you are talking about a single enormous entity like a space station, a computer with 8 gigs of RAM (which is a good benchmark for most players) seems to be about 10 million blocks. You can technically...
    9. Nosajimiki

      Thought these might be worth discussing?

      At most you can maybe make your ship 1-3% more efficient by exploiting it. While it's definitely a bug it's not really game breaking compared to other issues.
    10. Nosajimiki

      Highlight Damaged blocks

      On scanners, my chief concern is that it could actually obfuscate valuable system outlines. That said, a similar idea to this is that with the new healing beams able to restore destroyed blocks, having both damaged and destroyed blocks display if you have astrotech beam or heal beam selected...
    11. Nosajimiki

      Thought these might be worth discussing?

      I've noticed that multiple stabilizers in almost any form are more effective than a single big one. Even a several stab cubes back to back with no angular difference seem to be much more efficient than an single stab group.
    12. Nosajimiki

      Suggestion Disagree button

      Abuse of Funny tags was the big influencing factor on the removal of all non-like tags. People were using them in regards to serious ideas and suggestions instead of disagree tags as a way of flame baiting.
    13. Nosajimiki

      [Satire "suggestion"] Middle finger button

      And let's not forget the importance of racial diversity... we don't want anyone's feelings getting hurt.
    14. Nosajimiki

      Engine Porn

      Mostly the rotating thruster thing
    15. Nosajimiki

      Suggestion Disagree button

      Not trying to be mean, simply pointing out the the potentially offensive subtext in your statement. Not everyone who plays this game are very fluent in English, and some people don't have a lot of free time to forum warrior their views, even if they feel strongly about them. So, expecting...
    16. Nosajimiki

      Engine Porn

      Very considerate of your to make your ship look tasty, that way when a PvPer gets the jump on you he can go "Num-num-num-num-num!" as he salvages your ship. :giggle: Joking aside though, it looks nice. Has a very FireFly feel to it.
    17. Nosajimiki

      Suggestion Disagree button

      So, you are saying that people who are not as articulate should be discriminated against? Here is just one such thread I could easily find, Go Back to Ratings instead of Likes, but there were so many more including private chats. This was not meant as a statement of "It's your fault for not...
    18. Nosajimiki

      Suggestion Disagree button

      I agree that if you disagree, it typically deserves an expressed opinion, but I strongly disagree with the position that the same logic does not apply. Likes don't give an accurate picture without the counterpoint expressed. The reason yellow-journalism is so popular on FaceBook & Twitter, etc...
    19. Nosajimiki

      Problem when increasing Ram

      Have you tried clearing the cache?
    20. Nosajimiki

      Compendium of Current Issues & Bugs

      Some notes for the integrity section: Integrity does not work on true spaghetti systems, they take 1 secondary explosion, then stop burning. Other spaghetti systems can burn such that the ship becomes unkillable due to a buffering issue. Secondary explosions are mathematically incapable of...