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    1. lupoCani

      Beam Weapon Visuals - Travel time

      Before this is farther de-railed by arguments about the merits of realism, can I ask we consider something? We want this fast-not-instant visual, applied to a continuous beam. Do we have to change beams specifically? Cannons are already fast-ish, can't we work with those, instead? Changing...
    2. lupoCani

      Read by Schine Semi-vague Lua Computer Suggestion

      Yes. Two ships shooting is astonishingly complicated, performance-heavy three-dimensional trigonometric equations being iterated thousands of times in a single tick, and tens of ticks per second. Meanwhile, an operating system will consist of neatly ordered logical instructions to be executed...
    3. lupoCani

      Read by Schine Semi-vague Lua Computer Suggestion

      I would also like to point out that, in real life, 99% of people are also not programming anything. That hasn't stopped computers from dominating society. If good publishing, sharing and verifying mechanisms are implemented, the 1% that does write code will be able to make the game easier in...
    4. lupoCani

      StarMade v0.199.429 - Combined blocks, new blocks, optimizations and fixes

      They are less of a thing. There is a problem, factories are tedious. This change doesn't address this, it just makes us have to use them less. A big chunk of what factories were used for was just scooped out. And, I mean, it's not like this chunk in particular was worse than others, it was just...
    5. lupoCani

      StarMade v0.199.429 - Combined blocks, new blocks, optimizations and fixes

      Nooo! Not shaped block manufacturing! Seriously though, I had hoped factories would actually be fixed to be less tedious, not just removed from the equation altogether.
    6. lupoCani

      Multi-warp gate base

      Shift-scroll will also let you zoom out until you can see the marker diamonds for all adjacent sectors at once, and place yourself directly between them.
    7. lupoCani

      Quick and Easy Picture Tutorial: Automatic Doors

      There's a remedy for this. Area triggers block line of sight. If you place are triggers on both sides of the door, people cannot open them manually without squeezing themselves against it, forcing them to use buttons.
    8. lupoCani

      Use display module to change factory production

      It's not really complicated, not more so than any other display block feature. Set factory production, set/add/remove storage block filter, compare block quantities. Of course, some logic engineering would be required to make it useful, but controlling factories with logic was never going to be...
    9. lupoCani

      Use display module to change factory production

      Very much yes. Considering the display module system is already turing-complete, the addition of this would allow the construction of fully automated factories. If I may elaborate a bit on a potential system- The new tag would be [item]. Specifically, [item] <item name>; <quantity>; Examples...
    10. lupoCani

      Star System renaming?

      I have to say, I rather like the fixed names. They give a sense of geography to the galaxy, allowing us to say a name and have that actually mean one, and only one, place in the universe. Player-made names are transient, labels that say who lives there, rather than where "there" actually is...
    11. lupoCani

      Opinions On Starmades Combat

      I'd like to voice my concurring with this point in particular. The forward-facing weapons are an artifact of StarMade's lack of ship modularity in general, and hardly constructive to gameplay. So long as the majority of firepower is restricted to that one direction, it's beneficial to Keep...
    12. lupoCani

      A few quick observations on the new auxiliary generators...

      Oh, that explains it. So, it is not a chain reaction. Rather, every time there's exogen damage, the reactor engages in an amount of evenly-spread self-destruction. The effectiveness of this self-destruction, which does not propagate itself, is limited by internal armor intercepting the equally...
    13. lupoCani

      A few quick observations on the new auxiliary generators...

      No, this is a reasonable setup. What I'm wondering is, why is it a reasonable setup? If auxiliary decay was a chain reaction, then that one line between the two halves should propagate the destruction just fine, shortly reducing both halves to zero. Since the setup is indeed reasonable, that...
    14. lupoCani

      A few quick observations on the new auxiliary generators...

      But then you loose the very significant grouping bonus, do you not? Furthermore, if the internally armored auxiliaries were entirely split off, then the destruction of one would leave the combined output at eighty or ninety percent, not thirty or forty like the devs said.
    15. lupoCani

      A few quick observations on the new auxiliary generators...

      Um... As much as I'd like to chime in on this debate, I really like that we have an auxiliary reactor R&D thread here. It's nice to have information gathered in one place, and helps everyone get up to speed quickly. So, uh, could we perhaps not have this discussion here? It does tend to run...
    16. lupoCani

      A few quick observations on the new auxiliary generators...

      Has it been established how, exactly, auxiliaries degrade when hit? They explode, I've understood that much. Is it a chain reaction? If not, what is it that keeps the explosion mostly contained to the auxiliaries, like the devs have said it is?
    17. lupoCani

      Resurrecting an idea: Consolidate Armor Block Resources

      Yet again, I will argue that this is approaching the problem from the wrong angle. I always see these suggestions about bypassing factories in one way or the other- make shipyards use raw resources, make blueprints eat blocks regardless of shape, or whatever annoyed the suggestor the most at the...
    18. lupoCani

      Devote One Development Cycle to Fixing Shipyards

      A useful additional feature would be "Shop blueprint spawning". That is, the ability for shops take in a filled blueprint, charge an additional construction fee and spawn the ship. If the fee is balanced right, it would greatly benefit new players without shipyards of their own, while still...
    19. lupoCani

      A concept to fundementally change warpgate functionality.

      I think there's very much room to extend this idea. In terms of general purpose and function, I think it's agreed that the role of gates is to be powerful, and the role of drives is to be mobile. If we want to give mobility to warp gates, as we're doing now, how about we integrate them with...
    20. lupoCani

      Dev Blog : July 28th 2016

      With all the promised benefits of this update, I sort of have to wonder... why now? Overhauling the engine in this fashion may of course have been impractical, but with all these benefits, why were chunks even 16*16*16 in the first place? What reasons were there for choosing that number when...