Search results

    1. J

      Pretty, navigable skybox!

      The skybox looks fine. but it doesnt look homeworld 2 fine, im not sure how the skybox works, but i assume its stationary enough to always "point" the right direction so you can "follow the north star" in order to naviagte your way around, at the moment pressing "c" seems to be the only way to...
    2. J

      Unable to buy ships

      Get in your ship, bring up the menu, click \"Catalog\" at the bottom, then click \"save to local catalog\" and name it =]
    3. J

      Unable to buy ships

      Oh! its also worth mentioning that these are both from the same version of the game, so i assume compatability isnt an issue =]
    4. J

      Unable to buy ships

      So i finished off my 51k block dreadnaught on singleplayer last night - but when i came back on my friends server to show off my build, i couldent buy it - after hitting the buy button, all the turretts and the ship docked undernieth spawn in the correct locations, but the behemoth itself is...