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    1. S

      If I update my game will my server update, and will it save?

      We are really just getting started, had found a empty base and had been using it for just a couple of days when a Update to the game was rolled out and it was indicated that we update our server for security. Once that was done however all of that work was gone, all our ships were gone and our...
    2. S

      Installing on a lin

      What Keen is attempting to give you is the Command Line (Terminal) Commands you would use to launch the game. You can also use your file manager to navigate to the File where ever you saved it, open up its properties with a right-click on it, then under the permissions tab check the box that...
    3. S

      Only possible to buy the game twice??

      Bump, would really like to purchase the game more than twice, have serveral family members beside my wife now that are intrested in the game???
    4. S

      Only possible to buy the game twice??

      Was able to make the purchase twice, once for my account, and then once for my sons acct. We even got a new server going at, however when my wife decided she wants to try it, it does not matter which computer in the house we use to sign into her new acct, the...