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    1. D

      Salvage cannon

      I think you may find that you are actually shooting you just can no longer see the beams, try it on an astroid. It\'s a known issue there are several posts about it.
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      Invisable scavange Laser Bug (Minor visual)

      I always have this. The first time I played I could see the scavanger beams fine. Now no matter what, in core or in cocpit I can\'t see them. It\'s not end of the world but it is annoying. dxdiag display stuff, incase it helps. ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of...
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      Whitelist not functioning properly

      Finally figured it out after using the whitelist commands in game. I didn\'t see anywhere on the site that you had to add nm: infront of names and ip: infront of IPs.
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      Whitelist not functioning properly

      I've tried multiple times to get whitelisting to work with no luck. I've tried using my username with the proper case, and my ip address. Both result in me not being able to get into the server with the following error. [SERVER][LOGIN] new client connected. given id: 1: description: Dultas...