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    1. A

      Somethings I would like to see if it can be done

      using factory i think it would be cool if we can build bigger weapon block like the ore lvls lvl 1 being what we start with and taking 10 of them and making a lvl 2 same size as the lvl 1 block and so on 10 lvl 2 = lvl 3 / 10 lvl 3 =lvl 4 / 10 lvl 4 =lvl 5. say you have a small ship with lvl...
    2. A

      Somethings I would like to see if it can be done

      i would like to see not only the harvester store go their but the cargo the enemy ship drops so i dont have to go out side my ship to get it and back and for to dump off what i got and it would be nice to sell from them to