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      Vita version?

      It used to be $99, but they got rid of the fee about 3 months ago. So, in theory, just about anyone with the skill, time, and motivation can make a game for the Vita (actually, a game for any PSM certified device). However (and this is a big however), there are a number of things that make it...
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      Symmetry Planes

      Right you are...I was afraid of that. There are two shield_tex.png files that I is data\\image-resource\\shield_tex.png, and the other is data\\textures\\shield_tex.png. For some reason I thought the one in data\\textures was the one being used for shield effects. I...
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      Much more transparent Symmetry Planes

      I recently came up with my own texture for symmetry planes...try it out. :)
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      Symmetry Planes

      Cool, hope you guys like it! I tried for awhile to match the grid to the size of the block, but to no avail. Not only that, but I played around in symmetry mode last night on my 300+ meter ship and I noticed that the symmetry plane texture was not always at a 1 to 1 aspect
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      Symmetry Planes

      Since I didn't really like the way the symmetry plane texture looked (especially when using the XZ plane, which is not as subtle as I'd like), I decided to mess around with creating my own. I decided to go with an RGB value of R 192, G 128, B 255 for the lines so that the blue stands out a...
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      The Danish Axe, for my faction :)

      I saw \"Danish\" and it got my attention...what a nice surprise that it is a sweet looking ship! Love the little Dannebrog. :)
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      Brushed Steel Hull Textures

      Hello everyone, first time posting, but I've been playing the game for about 3 weeks now. Anyway, the reason for my post is to show some hull textures I've made...I doubt I'll ever be motivated enough to turn them into a whole texture pack, although I haven't ruled it out completely. First...