Search results

    1. Curithwin

      Where to buy coloured recipes from

      Thank you, both Qweesdy and Florrible.
    2. Curithwin

      Where to buy coloured recipes from

      I have looked and looked in-game and on the net and I can not find anyone that can tell me how to find the recipe BluePrint for factories to make coloured hull. Every shop I have visited do not have them, nor do they seem to drop from pirates. I will not just give myself the hull in admin...
    3. Curithwin

      Faction Block Permissions

      I think to help with access and RP ability it would be nice to add permissions to a faction block. i.e. Fire Weapons, Access Doors, Access Build Block, Access Core, Remove/Add Blocks, Access Plex Stores. These could be set to [Faction_Only/Faction_Officers/Everyone]. On with this you could...
    4. Curithwin

      Torches - Anyone already Suggested?

      To me batteries and light bulbs are torches not flash lights... Why? I\'m British and because these objects do not flash as standard.*grins* J/K
    5. Curithwin

      Torches - Anyone already Suggested?

      I can not find any topic on this, but a suit light or equipable torch could help in dark areas. Please?
    6. Curithwin

      Shield Idea

      What about shields are directions based on the bounding boxes of the collisions, or the gerneral collision bounding box of the whole vessel (this would allow fighters to pass through the shields of sprawling vessels and stations to exploit that weakness. Also this would make turrets on the...
    7. Curithwin

      The Starmade's main problem

      Looks like you nailed it Captain Frosty. ;)
    8. Curithwin

      Alternative weapons

      I like some of your ideas the speed leaching beam could reduce the speed of the target as long as you have then beam weapon hitting: A few I would like to add is an explosive de-coupling block added to a docking module to allow you to fire block based projectiles like Asteroid Bombs that have...
    9. Curithwin

      Grappling hooks, anchor blocks, magnetic blocks, moving blocks, computers and much much more.

      Have a look at this feature page for what he has planned and some of your ideas are already there.
    10. Curithwin

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09444

      Sorry but there are no new features under the new features section, just blank space. Sorry to be a pain. ;)
    11. Curithwin

      AMC, Armor, Capital, and Shield Tweaks

      I like some of these ideas. Would love to see them tested out.
    12. Curithwin

      Problem with planet station

      The is good news... going to try this myself.
    13. Curithwin


      I love this idea of the vessel being built 10 blocks per second. I would love to watch the vessels be constructed like this. Though the only problems I can see are HUGE vessels. What size would the standard Spacedock be? Could certain docks only build certain sized vessels. So to build...
    14. Curithwin

      New player models coming up.

      These images are awesome and, in my mind, make the game a LOT better.
    15. Curithwin

      Gravity & Cockpit Orientation

      I agree with this greatly. Cockpits that face in the direction you place them would be awesome and very useful too.
    16. Curithwin

      Project Horizon - SpaceStation

      Awesome idea. I love the screen shot. Any new ones to show yet?
    17. Curithwin

      Flat planets are absolutely horrible. An idea on how to make them round. changed

      I like the flat planets as I can understand the problems of gravity based on a cube with a sphere. The only way I could think about doing a sphere is this. Centre of Gravity is a Vector point at the centre of the planet. When gravity pull is calculated (strength > closer to core) the planet...