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    1. Curithwin

      Max Segments reversed in game

    2. Curithwin

      Max Segments reversed in game

      I found this out trying to get a nice screen shoot of my carrier in orbit, but found that I needed more range to the view distance and changed the Max Segments from 2000 to 2500 and as I pressed back the ship completely disappeared, as I reduced the Max Segments down below 1900 it showed, but...
    3. Curithwin

      0.141 No helmet or Gun

      At least i only need to skin the body for now. ;)
    4. Curithwin

      0.141 No helmet or Gun

      When loading into the game I had a full hotbar, but not inventory and I did not end up with a gun of the new helmet objects. Does anyone have the Admin ID's for these so I can give them to myself?
    5. Curithwin

      More bugfixes

      Time ticks by so slowly. I can not wait for the next release. Any date on that yet please? Pretty please? Pretty please with roses?
    6. Curithwin

      Gl invalid operation I keep having these problems and if I press the \"Retry\" button it fixes it for a while.
    7. Curithwin

      StarMade dev news #2

      Can not wait to try them all out!
    8. Curithwin

      Starmade Player model

      I like these models, though I do like Omni\'s too (would be nice to see female version of Omni\'s). What did stand out to me is the females siloutte of her breast/ waist/ hip ratio, which is more realistic than most 3D models out there. Since women tend to have larger hips than the width of...
    9. Curithwin

      The Suggestion to Rule them All

      You could use ECM blocks to jam other vessels finding the Core and the vessel, with a core, shows it\'s waypoint as the CENTRE of the vessel instead. Though the number of ECM blocks you need is relative to the mass and power output of the vessel trying to use the ECM. Other new systems could...
    10. Curithwin

      Detonating ship cores (allow me to explain)

      I would use the explosion based upon the available power output. So this could be used as a tactic to disable as much power blocks as you can before taking on a vessels core. Also the explosion should happen when it is destroyed as well. This would clear the amount of blocks around the core...
    11. Curithwin

      Part Assembly

      That is why people create tugs to move them. and docking items can be knocked off with weapon fire. Also it\'ll not be as good when the docked item ADDS its weight to the ship carrying it, as at present it does not.
    12. Curithwin

      Part Assembly

      What I think would be good is the ability to create vessels in parts and then as you join them together with a new(ish) block (Possibly the parts core that would become a block on joining) type they become part of the main ship. Why? It is a pain trying to do some work on areas that are not...
    13. Curithwin

      Replace one block for another without deleting the first.

      There are times I would love to have this check box in the advanced build mode, or set to a combiation key and mouse click like Ctrl+left click. What this would do is to change the block your pointer is over for the block you have selected on your hot bar. This would allow building nice...
    14. Curithwin

      Different zones in building

      What I think would be a good idea is when you build you can set a 'zone' and every block you put in that zone, is still part of the vessel, but can be isolated and the other zones disappear from view so you can do changes and repairs on the quick. The build will still build like it is now, but...
    15. Curithwin

      Hand held repair beam tools

      I have checked and can not find a topic on this, but would it not be good to add in hand held repair beam tools, similar to a single block so you can repair damage INSIDE your vessel?
    16. Curithwin

      Name Plex-Doors

      I think there should be a new block that can be attached to a plex door and ANY plex door attached to it is controlled by this one. This way you can name the Plex-Door Controller and find it easier in the ship status screen. This could also be done on docking and turret controller blocks as well.
    17. Curithwin

      FUEL - Glorious fuel

      ... I think it should be a little like this. Power Blocks give 10% of the power they commonly do (normally) and Reactors are used to boost the power output. Solar Panels can trickle charge Power Tanks (or a new block called \"Aux Power\" or \"Batteries\") that can then be used as an instant...
    18. Curithwin

      Spinal-Mount Cannons (Super weapons)

      That is the beauty of the weapon they tend to only be used as an ambush tactic where you come in bow to bow or bow to side. Once fired you then resort back to more conventional weaponry to finish off the, now crippled, vessel.
    19. Curithwin

      Ship Repair & 'Schematic'

      I think this is a great idea. The schematic would only need to be the vessel you have, so if you up date it you can press an \"Update Schematic\" to update it to the newest iteration. This would also allow you to bring in REPAIR bays where you fly and dock (at the repair bay docking block)...
    20. Curithwin

      StarMade dev news

      Yep flu does suck... I pray you get better soon. Nice to hear about the upcoming changes, but do not push yourself as the flu could be stress related, and as all good Medics will tell you drink plenty of ale... err.. liquids. ;)