The Non Op Ftl Transportation Method (This is going to be long)

    Aug 7, 2013
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    In star made currently everything is very small scale. But what if it wasn’t so small scale and sectors were as big as entire systems and planets were only found rarely by star in clusters. You would have to travel enormous distances and huge amounts of time traveling at your typical 100 kph. That is where the Ftl block comes in. The Ftl block would allow you to travel those enormous distances in matters of minutes. As the amounts of blocks increases so does your speed and power consumption. But on the other hand just as mass increases your speed, just like thrusters decreases. So if I had 10000 Ftl blocks and I had 100000 mass I could go 10 times faster than the speed of light. Same if I had 10 mass and one Ftl block I could go 10 times the speed of light. So for 1 Ftl block and 0 mass I can go 100 times the speed of light. Now with power consumption for every 100 blocks I have 40000 energy is required. If I had 100000, 40000000 energy is required. Also Ftl cannot be instantaneously activated. For every Ftl block 0.1 seconds is added on to a charge time of 10 seconds so X*0.1+10= Charge time. For every negative there is a positive, so there should be an Ftl charger block that reduces charge time by 0.2 seconds at the cost of power. You can stay in Ftl travel as long as you have a constant supply of power. There should be 2 types of Ftl travel: blind travel (go blindly in Ftl travel) and targeted travel (go any place with a set coordinates). Targeted travel should have a pop up screen to coordinates in. Target travel is meant to be used in multiplayer as just like the sector number is displayed up top the coordinate number should be displayed up top. Also in the pop up screen were you put your screen in there should be an area to save coordinates for place just like you can save ships. You should be able to name them. That is my idea on a Ftl drive
    Apr 21, 2013
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    I agree that scale in starmade is very small. I believe that increasing this scale (at the very least, increasing the distance between star systems) would make FTL viable in the first place.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    The speed would put you out of the speed limit that the normal game can handle. There would have to be some kind of more powerful thruster so that it can stop your ship. Other wise you could come out of FTL then totally hit something and screw up your ship completely


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Why in the fuck are we necrobumping a ton all of a sudden?!


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I see no problem necro posting a suggestion or bug, as it means people dont have to make a new post as one already exists. It is projects, servers, factions and playdates that shouldnt be necro\'d
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Unless a topic has already been resolved I see no problem with necroposting. As you say, it means that a whole new topic doesn\'t have to be created, plus it brings up old ideas that people might have forgotten about; many of which are quite interesting.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    There are a lot better threads about FTL. This only decreases the rank of all other suggestions by 1.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    something I kinda dissagree with is how it scales both speed and energy by mass. theoretically, any FTL drive by nature must ignore mass so why do we insist on using it? dimension could make sense but even then only when taking calculations into account. secondly, from what it sounds like, a core with a power gen and one ftl would be infinitly faster than a Titan with billions of power gen and the ability to use thousands of FTL blocks, because more blocks doesn\'t equal more speed in this case. this FTL system would be literally impossible to use for large ships, the only option for using FTL on Titans is to build an EVEN BIGGER titan to dock the origional one on, with the large one having simply ridiculous power gen at the level of MAX_INT. in my opinion, FTL should be a big ship thing with smaller ships dependant on carriers to carry them large distances. otherwise, what keeps a small fighter from simply FTLing out of range of a capital ship each time it\'s shields go down? when that same capital ship can barely turn or move, and it would need too much energy to FTL?


    Dec 31, 2013
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    what keeps a small fighter from simply FTLing out of range of a capital ship each time it\'s shields go down?

    maybe cooldown and warmup time?

    + The more FTL, the less you are able to turn.

    I would like FTL-speed to be dependent on the percentage of your FTL blocks in your ship.

    should be much easy than with linear formula to reach 300% lightspeed (5-10% blocks?), but very hard to reach 1000% lightspeed (only theoretical, because you would need 100% FTL blocks which is impossible).