I'm building a Revelation-class dreadnought from Eve Online. It's still a work in progress.
Picture for those who don't know what it is: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/330/4/6/The_Revelation_Dreadnought_by_cadair.jpg
Album: http://imgur.com/a/oruAM
Stats: (approximate, the innards are always changing)
Mass: ~19,000 (~190,000 blocks)
Thrust: ~21,000 (>1:1 thrust/mass ratio)
Power: ~19 million stored, ~1.1 million e/s
Shields: ~2.1 million, ~190,000 blocks
Weapons: AMCs: ~250k dps, SD-BBs: 250-350 damage, 10x launchers, pulsators: 65m range, ~1000N force.
EDIT: Improved stats, added pulsators and lockon missiles.
If you've seen other pics of this ship, you'll note that the three large gey circles are where the turrets go. I haven't started on the turrets yet, though.
Picture for those who don't know what it is: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/330/4/6/The_Revelation_Dreadnought_by_cadair.jpg
Album: http://imgur.com/a/oruAM
Stats: (approximate, the innards are always changing)
Mass: ~19,000 (~190,000 blocks)
Thrust: ~21,000 (>1:1 thrust/mass ratio)
Power: ~19 million stored, ~1.1 million e/s
Shields: ~2.1 million, ~190,000 blocks
Weapons: AMCs: ~250k dps, SD-BBs: 250-350 damage, 10x launchers, pulsators: 65m range, ~1000N force.
EDIT: Improved stats, added pulsators and lockon missiles.
If you've seen other pics of this ship, you'll note that the three large gey circles are where the turrets go. I haven't started on the turrets yet, though.