
    1. GeneralKesh

      The United Colonies

      Intro: The United Void Colonies are a new faction on the Light Vs Dark Starmade Server centered around creating a free and safe republic on the server. We are a lawful good server dedicated to upholding the values of Freedom and Capitalism. We strive to destroy those who wish to cause us, and...
    2. Ramorill

      The Black Templars

      Messages: 158 Black Templars The Black Templars is a proud faction. We are relatively new but grow in size every day and we intend to stay that way. Foreign Policy: While the Black Templars are a conquest driven faction our goal is to dominate the known galaxy, We still attempt to make...
    3. osXFan

      [CHESS] SERVER & United Earth Rec Page

      [CHESS DETICATED SERVER] Cant Have Every Sector Secure Decently difficult server with a harder start than normal, work on gaining enough credits or getting enough resources to craft a warp drive, or settle on a planet nearby to start and make your path in the stars. (about one *trying*...
    4. Occarina

      Elysium's Electorate

      Elysium's Electorate is a faction that strives to provide a cooperative experience to players across a wide demographic. Elysium's Electorate currently acknowledges no allies or enemies. Elysium's Electorate currently has (undisclosed) number of members and (undisclosed) ships in its arsenal...
    5. Wolverines527

      UEG (Recruiting)

      Hello and welcome to the UEG other wise known as the United Earth Government we are a faction that has a very creative community. whether you are a new player or an old player that is returning to starmade, you are welcome here. we have a good command staff and a system of ranks you may choose...
    6. symbiot999

      Naddah is looking for Peole.

      The Faction is called Naddah, Our goal as a faction is to claim as many sectors as possible and take down all pitates and claim as many of their stations as possible.Here is somemore about the sever we are on. If this sounds fun to you join us on Do you want to play on a Low PVP Sever with good...
    7. Jake_Lancia

      The Dominion of Trident (OLD THREAD)

      Welcome to the Dominion of Trident. Full Name: The Dominion of Trident and Occupied States of RedEagle, Pegakitty, CNY and Angel Works (vid slightly outdated) Who are we? We were formerly an industrial faction and have existed since February 2013. Originally we were a small faction union of...
    8. Aesthetics

      Aesthetican Navy Recruitment

      Made in the Aesthetican Navy We're recruiting. Start your story with the Aesthetican Navy here. The Aesthetican Navy is a very varied faction, and a member state of the Union of Intergalactic States. We spend most of our time building pretty, combat-worthy ships, currently. Current Member...
    9. OttoVonBismarck

      The United Kingdom

      -{ Introduction }- The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, her overseas Dominions and Territories, and her Empire beyond the Solar System, has now taken to establishing her Empire within a war torn Galaxy, where the Dark and the Light are in conflict with each other. Britannia and...
    10. Zaphord

      PMC Industries - Mining, Salvage, Construction.

      PMC Industries is now looking for ambitious employees; miners, salvage specialists, security, and builders are needed to expand the company into new systems and new servers. Apply directly on MDU (click on the banner in my sig, and vote if you like while you're there ;)), or post here if you'd...