
    1. arkahys

      Some tools with logic

      I open a topic to post some interresting stuff i don't find answer and to explain ressources I posts. Delay don't react to a too short signal, there is a simple way to straighten signal With the frequence gap between rail and delay, you can get a simple clock around 10 tick by sec : Make...
    2. arkahys

      Compact ~10hz clock 12 steps 2018-05-17

      this compact clock with 12 step is around 10 ticks by seconds All steps switch on regulary, but on this compact version there is a delay when switch off the NOT line : See other version for regulary Off and visual use. Rates and comments are welcomed !
    3. arkahys

      Stable ~10hz clock 12 steps 2018-05-17

      Version less compact of the other one, but with regulary switch off. On the compact version there is a delay when off on a line : This stable version is pretty to ramp light effect : It use the gap bewteen rail speed and delay frequency, so you can't slow down the rail to slow down...
    4. Arcaner

      Timers, rail speed and sector unloading

      Its hard to build long customizable timers because- -They require a lot of blocks. -Rails could have been used but we don't have the exact speed at which they rotate and move. -Sector unloading means the timer (regardless of type) would stop functioning. For the second, I would request all...
    5. FlyingDebris

      Logic Display Example 1.0

      Basically, I've constructed a few logic display setups that scroll, and switch text on the signs. Useful for creating advertisements, readouts, static, etc; to make your ship feel alive. Also serves as a good guide to beginner level logic. I do intend to add more displays onto this later...
    6. rocketman221

      Read by Council Logic Friendly Jump Drive Improvements

      I would like for jump drives to be easier to control with logic and not need laggy rail clocks to recharge. I suggest making the jump drive charge for one second on each high input. This would allow for continuous recharging with a simple clock. I also want to be able to recharge it without...
    7. Bladeriker

      Working on Automated Sensors

      I am working on making an automated sensor so that with the click of a button I have a sensor sweep every so many seconds. I found out last night that only one sensor computer can be attached to a single entity, so this is going to make it a bit more complicated, but that is half the...