
    1. Plasmagon

      Beam Turret Not Aiming/Aiming Backwards

      I have run into a problem making a beam turret. I have two turrets one with this upside-down triangle design that is shooting backwards, and another that is an ugly, triple barrel beam turret that shoots forward. Basically how do I fix this. Please help.
    2. Anime_Slime

      Space Station not detecting reactor (Power 2.0)

      I'm currently building a space station using power 2.0. I placed down about 7,000 stabilisers in two seperate groups, all good. But when I started placing down reactors, the station only detected the first hundred or so in the power stats tab, but after that placing more blocks onto the reactor...
    3. Dimcreaper

      Bug Logic halt after damage is taken.

      Hey there community, I've been playing for a while now, building a massive ship as we all do. However a rather unfortunate turn of events ended in me pissing off an NPC faction. After they burnt down the placeholder shield array and started chipping away my armor/HP% down to 98% every docked...
    4. T

      Shipyard shenaigains

      I am currently satisfied of how shipyards works. It does need a few tweaks here and there, but it is fine. But, there are some problems that is happening to me. Whenever I try to load a schematic with a turret on them, the Shipyard tends to say; "yo, your ship is too big, it is overlappin' so...
    5. Trekkerjoe

      Bug (v0.199.217) Severe Aliasing at certian angles.

      This isn't the only angle in which it does this. Looking at it from above at around a 30 degree angle also causes this. I assume this is a bug, because it did not happen pre-patch. Anyone else effected? EDIT: How could I have forgotten this? i7 6700k @ 4.01ghz 32 gb ram GTX 960 GPU The install...
    6. Anthros1984

      Bug Turrets not rotating.

      For the last few days all of my turrets have stopped rotating on both single player and online. They are tried and tested designs that I know work fine. The AI pitches the barrel up and down and fires the weapon fine but it will not rotate the base. When I enter the base manually I can rotate...
    7. Markus_McCloud

      Typo detected: "Thuster Outage"?

      Here's the typo in question: I got it when I piloted an Isanth VI ship I was using for target practice.

      IS THIS A BUG?

      There is really no way I can explain this without demonstrating it myself so I prepared a short video. (yeah I uploaded this to my normal channel deal with it) Now the reason I question whether or not this should actually be listed as a bug is Starmade is not really a physics simulator and...
    9. B

      Game disappears

      Hi, I am very new to this game, and I havn't even got to play it yet due to many different problems. First I had problems with my Intel graphiccard but now that is fixed, then it was Java and now that is fixed, I think. Anyway; now when I start the game and it loads up to 100% it just...
    10. pokeface119

      PlanetsMuch? (Bug?)

      this video explains what I see... Its just... SO BEAUTIFUL :'D I created a New World (IF anybody was wondering)
    11. kiddan

      Bug ? Lighting Issues - Some Things Too Bright

      I have had this bug(?) for a while now, just didn't think it was a bug until I saw the game from my dad and brother's computer, pretty much dark places are not as dark as they should be (according to everyone else's Star-Made) cause the game to just not look quite right. Also getting this...