Search results

    1. E

      Can we get smooth planets?

      I would say if you want round planits try coding it yourself because while I have not developed any games I have coded a few thing myself and I can tell from the get go that this would be challaging but really cool if someone got it to work through idk a mod that adds this that would be epic but...
    2. E

      how do you find other galaxy's

      do npc factions spawn at other galaxy's
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      how do you find other galaxy's

      how do you find other galaxy's
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      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      are you alloud to just play the server or will you get banned unless you do a aplication if you do need a aplication to play or get creative mode heres mine in Game Name- eatsomedust4 Why you want to join the server- I like to talk to people while playing a game and I hate trolls and since...
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      Star Fleet [Kelvin Timeline] Now recruiting

      how do I join?
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    7. E

      hey guys (I am new to this game) is starmade demo only able to join servers that are hosted on...

      hey guys (I am new to this game) is starmade demo only able to join servers that are hosted on starmade demo or can it join any?