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    1. Nosajimiki

      How to make Weapons 3.0 Modular

      This is an idea for how to take all the mechanics of Weapons 3.0 and make them a fully modular, and customizable system. So far, the weapons 3.0 system has tons of fun new mechanics such as Acid, recoil, spinal weapons, etc, but it feels devoid of player interaction. With only 9 actual weapon...
    2. Nosajimiki

      Make AMS pre-calculated

      So, Weapons 3.0 brought use some serious projectile speed optimizations, which are pretty cool, but in the process, AMS seems to be broken. My first assumption was that this was just an issue with AI not working, but based on various observations, I believe it is a side effect of how fast...
    3. Nosajimiki

      A change to charge cannons

      Presently charge cannons (though an interesting idea), do not really fill a needed roll. As far as I can tell, they basically achieve the same goal as a big cannon + small beam, but with the added charge mechanic that is just there to make it harder to use. So this is an idea for how to help...
    4. Nosajimiki

      Missile reload time fix

      People keep commenting about how broken missile reload timers are; so, I figured I'd post a suggestion to address that. Right now missiles do not scale AT ALL to ship size. a 500k ship can not do any more dps with missiles than a 10k ship because of the way reload works. While I do not mind...
    5. Nosajimiki

      Ethics of Exploitation

      So... I was recently informed that one of the criteria of "Ethical Hacking" is to obtain permission from the owner of the data or system and to request a scope of how far is too far. So as a question for Schine (and in specific cases, server owners), how far do you want/not want players to...
    6. Nosajimiki

      Revert to System HP with reactors as Critical Zones

      So the general chatter on discord, is that reactor HP is not a good replacement for system HP because it it makes ships too hard to kill. Here is an example of a random ship with minimal armor, that I knew where the reactor was that I tried blasting at close range. As you can see, I pretty...
    7. Nosajimiki

      How to rebalance armor

      So the new armor system feels like it achieves the inverse of we were promised. The supposed idea behind it was that layering armor could make armor viable on bigger ships, but instead, new penetration models make building cannons that can put a giant hole through 20 layers of adv armor even...
    8. Nosajimiki

      Add a "Ready" state to reactor chambers

      One of the biggest complaints with chambers so far is that there is no hot swapping them in combat. This is a major impetus on combat tactics and depth of gameplay. To put things in perspective. Old power had passives, jammers, inhibitors, etc. that you could just turn on and off at will in...
    9. Nosajimiki

      How to fix Integrity - Yeay Math Again!

      Okay, so here is an idea to try to keep integrity working in spirit how it works now, but without all the major problems. I suggested something similar to this before, but this is about system specific integrity. I will begin by outlining the major issues with current integrity: It enforces a...
    10. Nosajimiki

      Go Back to Ratings instead of Likes

      Likes are uninformative and not nearly as helpful to the production of a pre-release game as the ratings system was. With the like system, there is no way of looking at an OP and telling the difference between a post that did not get much attention and a post that is poorly received. So, good...
    11. Nosajimiki


      Okay, so here is some math I came up with that could fix the spaghetti problem with minimal changes to the game engine (and help balance docked armor a bit) The idea is all about weighing a ship's surface area and size factor against how much structural damage it takes per block destroyed such...
    12. Nosajimiki

      Issues with the 2.0 Power System (Regarding the Goals of the New System)

      Schine announced these goals as reasons for the power 2.0 update: Goals/Rules First thing we did, was figuring out which criteria our new system should fulfill. These are the ones we used for power and anything tied to power consumption: Predictability: Placing a block leads to predictable...