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    1. S

      Building a living universe

      If this is still going, I would suggest altering your default faction status to make all factions auto-hostile to all other factions, to create auto-wars. Just cause action is good and otherwise they'll peacefully coexist til you shoot some of their material, if you're part of the other...
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      What Do We Want From Planets?

      I'd vote for cookie planets again, though I never saw them it sounds like they're less laggy and the concept seems less clunky and awkward than the dodecagahedronies we've got now. Perhaps change planets up, so that some of them are considered "habitable" and 99+% are considered "uninhabitable"...
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      StarMade v0.199.459 - Major Performance Upgrade

      Now a LOT of people will have to stop complaining on all the new releases about a lack of performance updates, :P. Excellent, now I can probably use my C/Cs effectively. And it may be time to get a logic-automated swarmer system .... this should be fun.
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      Building the Mk2 Logic Core!

      It makes smoothies. Smoothies. On a Space Ship.
    5. S

      Are fully cloaked ships possible? What is your cloaker design?

      For stealth ships, your best bet is to play them (for combat) as in EvE: Get in quietly, blast something, cloak up and bail. Don't stick around. Other than that it's perfectly possible to build massive permacloakers, if you don't mind, as stated above, the time. Also, for carriers - dock things...
    6. S

      Building the Mk2 Logic Core!

      Swwweeettt. Now, make it track how many turrets have engaged enemies, how many enemies there are, how fast you're going, how fast your shields are generating, and also how many blocks are left in your ship. Oh, and it needs to make smoothies. Smoothies are good. Bonus points if it also causes...
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      Synoro Engineering Shipyard

      Rough out a bridge that sort of arcs up and away from the hull, towards the back. Sort of like a real bridge, in fact - except only half of it. Like the Mass Effect ships' usual look - long and sleek - but plant it on top of the hull and rake it backwards. Also add some reverse-wingy bits on...
    8. S

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      This appears to have not posted last night before my power went out ... so I'll post it now. Plus editing. No, I have not read the intervening 11 pages of posts. I'm not going to. My eyes hurt. My adaptation is this: the reactor core contains the starting "heat boundary" inside itself - 1...
    9. S

      How to make other stations secure - Discussion Thread ***PLAYER SOLUTIONS ONLY!***

      Interesting question - do heatseekers currently actually respect a cloaked entity's state as cloaked? Other than that just have dozens of full-effect light heatseekers flying everywhere on activation of some block. Anybody decloaks and salvo #2 (automatic timer) kills them. Reactivating the...
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      darkshipyard 2017

      That's only a little better. That's still two new ships in, what, two days??? I enjoy this thread more than most others. I just never know what to expect, other than greatness. Keep doing what you do. And look into graphical design as an occupation, it might just suit you a little ... ;)
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      darkshipyard 2017

      How does he do it? So many new ships of such varying styles. It's like there're five different full-time game artists behind that account ... holy crap, awesome stuff.
    12. S

      Teaser of whats coming...

      That is a massive discouragement to many, many potential attackers.
    13. S

      A Work in Progress

      Sweet. That's awesome.
    14. S

      WizTech Fleetworks

      Suggestion for the Acclamator: Although you probably don't want to change it now, its bridge would probably be significantly simpler than a Venator's, given that it is primarily a troop transport/landing ship rather than full-bore assault-type carrier. The Venator has to have fighter control...
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      darkshipyard 2017

      Spaced armor plating. Play some WoT and make some noobs cry with the Super Pershing, works every time. Lol. Also, artistic freedom/rule-of-cool says he can do anything with it he wants to make it look good. And he manages that pretty much every time. Keep building. Dunno how you turn out so many...
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      A Work in Progress

      Just make sure the other guy's on grid when you drop it. Also you need to build one for all of us who love carriers who now want to use it. Awesome stuff.
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      Hallowed Shipyards

      Needs some work. Such shoddy stuff there, pre-rails and possibly wedges (Idk the timeline looool) and all ... how dare you not spend decades refitting them all? Okay, seriously this time, nice shapes. Needs to make more use of the detail blocks (you know, the ones added just this year) ... lol...
    18. S

      Synoro Engineering Shipyard

      That first smaller one is actually pretty cool. It'll need some wedging, redoing and probably clearing of old armor plates that are now internal (I've reshaped hulls lol) but with some re-detailing and a bit of shaping on that nose to make it less blocky ... I think it's actually a cool basic...
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      Snataris Colonial Fleetyards - NEW: HoloSuite Ultimate Edition

      Awesome. I might just use it lol.
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      "StarMade Science" - a "Sound of Silence" parody

      Quiet thread lol. Nice job. Now you need to sing it for us all. Just use a karaoke track.