Search results

    1. M

      More logic blocks!

      I have a list of logic blocks to be added. Ship/Station State block This thing outputs a signal when ship HP (structure) reaches the percentage defined by amount of Activation Modules, max 10. Connected with NOT block makes a signal as long as the ship is above % of HP. Ship Under Attack block...
    2. M

      Escape pods: how to make them?

      I need help with making this. Anybody has an idea on logic operated escape pod system?
    3. M

      Land vehicles, planet gravity overhaul & fall damage

      I know that's been suggested many times! But there's a twist. Land vehicles could use wheels, some could hover (Think weakened Thruster for hovering) and can hold storage like ships. Good for travelling around the planet. But to implement this, we need a planet gtavity overhaul. The reason...
    4. M

      Thinking about alarms

      I am thinking of an alarm system which activates when space station/ship is under attack or overheating, such as: When ship is normal, the alarm is deactivated. When ship is under attack the alarm makes lights (possibly red) blink. When ship is overheating the alarm makes red lights turned on...
    5. M

      Planned More smarter crew (more commands to crew members)

      I have boatloads of suggestions to this game. This is another of it. As you know, crew are only following us, attacking, walking, but they need an overhaul. Here are other commands that can be implemented: 'Use a block' When crew members are assigned this order to a block, it will go to it...
    6. M

      Story Mode

      Well, currently only Sandbox mode is there. How about a Story Mode where we can program what ships or components we will get/the prologue/the goal of the story? Example: You get 1 Dreadnought. The prologue can be set to enemies suddenly spawning and tearing the dreadnought apart/core suddenly...
    7. M

      Are devs thinking about StarMade supporting Overwolf?

      So, I am new here on StarMade Dock, but hey. I think that StarMade could be enhanced with Overwolf overlay, so we can capture photos and record videos of our games so we can post StarMade Stories or gameplay videos. For people not knowing about Overwolf: Overwolf is an epic overlay which...