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    1. Matyze

      Dual-Star System

      I don't know if this is supposed to happen or not, but it was awesome nonetheless! In the picture is one of my newest ship builds, the CRS1-NOVA, which I may release online once I've perfected it.
    2. Matyze

      Rotating a Ship's Core

      Okay, so I just spent 6 hours building the hull for a huge (at least, in my opinion) ship. I randomly decided to check out the rotation rate, when I found out I had built the whole thing completely backwards. That stunk. So I'm wondering: is there a way I can redeem those hours I spent, or do I...
    3. Matyze

      Is is possible to rename the "Suicide" option?

      I've been playing StarMade for a few days, and I'm absolutely loving it. The game mechanics are epic, and I love how you can construct your own Space Ship. So cool! My only problem (other than the occasional bug, but that's to be expected) is how suicide is listed as an option. It is...