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    1. Z

      unable to log into my server

      Myself and a few of my player are unable to log into the server. it started this morning and we all receive the below message. Client logs all look similar to the client log i have attached and serve log is also attached I have tried a reboot. and forced updated. i have also tried...
    2. Z

      Nullpointer exception after server backup

      I admin for a server and we did a backup yesterday and started getting a null pointer exception error i tried reinstall of starmade. restore from backup. restart. reinstall java. reinstall ubuntu restore from backup and we still get this error. just to be sure we had three people try from...
    3. Z

      capital ships systems possible implementation

      first this piggy backs off my first idea here we would need one new block called the upgrade block upgrade block would be placed next to the shipyard block immediately adding a new submenu labeled as UPGRADE you would slave rails to it to signify were ships could dock and be upgraded. you...
    4. Z

      In Developement Shipyard implementation ideas amongst other things

      so first and foremost i will probably make some typo's please forgive me. Shipyards well for starters they should be stations and the dimensions of the station should define the ship that can be assembled there. considerations for those who use rails to extend that size should be made (hollow...
    5. Z

      Island games Wants you to win a copy of Starmade, 4 to give away!

      Island games Wants you to have Starmade!!!!!! Wanna win a free copy of Starmade? then read down to learn more! We at Islandsgames (} {} Starmade server are looking to get a few awesome custom ships modeled off the STARGATE series. This will...