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      Emerald Star Fleetworks (Work in Planning :P)

      Atleast till the next update comes out....
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      The Infection Initiative (recruiting)

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      The Orion Drive

      That's not a bad idea. No idea how well it would work however... LOL
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      The Vaygr Empire [RECRUITMENT OPEN]

      Fuk Vygar! Stupid assholes tried to kill Sa'jet and steal my Sa'juuk! Stupid hyperspace core robing thieves! :mad: On top of all that, they tried to bomb my homeworld into Oblivion! If I can get an internet connection stable enough to connect to one of their servers.;)
    6. F

      The Orion Drive

      If you've never heard of the concept of a space faring method of travel called the Orion Drive, allow me to give you the basics. You drop a nuke out the back end of your ship and ride the shock wave till you get to a fraction of the speed of light. My question is: How feasible is that...
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      What can docked entities do?

      I was thinking about doing something similar. By lower docked entiies, you mean those attached to the main frame, or the ones furthest away from the main frame?
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      Suggestion on repair mechanics in general

      I enjoy using shipyards. I haven't had any problems with them as of yet. And the repair function is long as you have the design. I haven't had much experience needing to rebuild a station though
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      Mark of the outcasts -Faction

      It's fine. Due to my crappy internet connection, I can't likely get on a server anytime soon anyway. I thought it would be a kinda cool idea to try out any how.
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      Mark of the outcasts -Faction

      Hello! this sounds like an interesting idea to try out. I may be willing to join in if it's still an idea. thought it may be a bit before i get a titan of anywere near the size requirments