Search results

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      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      Most of us are doing that, it is good to restart fresh sometimes. And thankyou Ix, much appreciated.
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      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      Are you guys going to update the server yet? Been waiting patiently and i dont have any links for the previous version.
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      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      Yeah the clients all fixed up, but i\'m still spawning in a sector (Doesnt show me which one) with literally thousands of ship signitures in a densely packed area. Intense lag, i never actually spawn, i just spin around, and then the server goes into \"high load\". I wasnt doing anything too...
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      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      The server seem\'s to be freezing, and i logged off, came back on and i was in a different sector with literally thousands upon thousands of signatures, not sure what they were, it froze up and crashed again a second later. Then i tried to log on again, it came up with an error, but closed...
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      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      WOOOOOOOOOO TECTUM RELAUNCH AWWWWW YEAAHHHHH. Cant wait to see the Triumphant be released, it is going to look awesome. Should be an awesome event as well.
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      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      Could you provide us a link for the restrictions Ix? Or post them here?
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      Small PVE Server looking for new players - IP

      Hey im looking for a nice quiet server with a good population base and nice people. Looks like good feedback, so i\'d like to join please. Info about me; Ign; Rinaith Age; 20. Australia. I just like to bum around and roleplay a little bit. Would love to start building a fleet of ships with...
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      [RP] Fall of an Empire

      Player Name: Rinaith_Taesen Universe Faction: Meropian Faction Clan: TFSM Industries. Race: Human Profession: Miner, Engineer, Trader, Builder. Background: Born unto a family of meropian citizens working for the SOL, Rinaith carries his family\'s company forward, seeking profit and any...
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      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      I think the changes are a good balance, it helps level out the playing field so the ships are similar, and it requires more skill or reinforcements to stay in battle. Armor does work very well on the server at the moment, very well. And the cost for AMC\'s help that. Even with large turrets...
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      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      Yeah thats bad.
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      [RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

      Character Name: Asenth Derby ?Age: 42 Species: Human Gender: M Alignment: Lawful Neutral Bio: Asenth was found in a capsule, orbiting an unknown planet among the Ephibian Cluster on the border by a Ephebe patrol. As they pryed the hatch open, and stabilized the air lock they could hear...
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      EndOfHumanity [10 slots] [Heavy Roleplay] [Whitelist Only] [100K Starting credits] [Unlimited bluepr

      Name; Rinaith\'al Taensari (IGN; Rinaith ) Age; 26 Bio; Rinaith was stationed with one of the armies during the war, at one of the frontlines at the belt of Systems known then as; \"The Echo\". He was fortounate during one of the skirmishes to escape on his captains ship that was being torn...
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      Vii's Homeworld inspired, Dimensional Ship Scale:

      The dimensions of the class should be used as the extreme in any direction. So for example, you could build a super light class, but it can extend from 1-15 meters in any of the three axis. Of course you could just make a cube, but then, that is just powergaming. No one likes that. +1 for the...
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      EOF Exception, GZIP format, array out of bounds, ect.

      I have been having various problems with starmade lately. 1. Failed to uplink 2. Incorrect password (When i know its right and i have changed it, then tried again, it works after a while of trying. 3. Not in GZIP Format, almost every time but after retrying in responded. 4. Array out of...
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      [RP] Vivacitas | Whitelist | Modified economy | No catalog

      Character Name; Rinaith Age; 20 Traits; Disciplined and dertermined, Rinaith has a strong teamwork-based mindset. He has also displayed an ammount of innovation with technological research. Biography; Rinaith\'al Taesenari was born on Lunaris Prime, his father was a military man in the...
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      Research block and modified items and weapons through research.

      This should definetley be implemented. More customization and unique experiances for each individual player helps with the creativity and the prolonged interest in the game. Definetly behind this idea. Hope Schema see\'s it!
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      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Roleplay Application IGN; Rinaith Name; Taesen. Age; 26 Personality; Passive, stubborn, patient, creative. Biography; Starting from a young age, Taesen and his family lived on a rouge colony orbited by considerable ammount of ship debris, they lived off it. Salvaging what they could and...
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      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Name; Taesen. Age; 26 Biography; Holding deep roots in his thirst for education in the technology that existed across Eternia. Taesen studied his way through various acadamies, and universities, while freelancing and working as a drafter for new ships and power supply designs. His...