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    1. L

      Please fix turret detection

      Ok, so I'm in the process of building an anti fighter cutter, using logic to make autopiolot and a damage display. It uses logic to determine what parts of the ship are intact, and which turrets are still docked. However, the turret detectors have a problem. They work just fine when I'm docking...
    2. L

      So, the game won't launch.

      It has worked previously, but now whenever I launch the game the server window opens, closes, and then the game tells me it is logging me in... for three hours. I'm using the latest 1.4 build. Help?
    3. L

      Legolas170's Crafting idea

      So the Calbiri stated that the dev team is open to ideas involving a crafting overhaul. Many games have a system involving refinery of an item before it is crafted. However, having one large magic block that does everything in the same place doesn't seem in the spirit of starmade, so I propose...
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      DFN HAMR Armor concept

      So I've been working on a concept for ground combat armor for the DFN. This is for when the armor update comes out. The HAMR Armor ( Heavy Assault and Maximum Resistance) is the primary heavy armor suit for the DFN. It features full body armor and a high level of personal shielding. These are...
    5. L

      Ship Building Tips

      I'd like to create a thread that is a compilation of tips and tricks for building. Whatever you'd like to share, do it here. Whether you're an expert on game mehanics, or ribbing ships, building reactors or zen gardens, share your tips here!
    6. L

      Shield Idea

      I have what I consider to be a rather interesting idea. I think it would balance the large ship vs small ship arguement. Basically, each shield block created a box, like a docking module. For each Block that you add to the group, the box expands. And for each new group placed, it creates a new...
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      Small energy idea

      Only a small thing, but I think it would be cool if docked ships recharged energy from larger ships. It could be used in making realistic fighters and shuttlecraft. So say you give a fighter power tanks instead of power generators, and the fighters energy can be recharged by docking at a...