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    1. Bangelon

      AVA Industries

      Greetings and safe travels to all those who have come to our sector of the vast universe. It has been a long time since we have been able to send out any messages to the many buyers and rival shipwrights. The reason for this has been the total destruction of our homeworld and the loss of all...
    2. Bangelon

      Jump Drive Glitching Turrets

      I have had a repeatable glitch where after jumping my Turrets will no long work correctly. What happens is the main weapon computer will vanish from the menu and only a secondary computer will show. However all connected weapons will be removed. If I close and restart everything will return to...
    3. Bangelon

      Bug Build block yellow line grid

      Since the new patch when ever I go into a build block I have a Yellow block outline in my line of vision. I can left shift and scroll out some to move it into my forward vision and out of my eyes but thats still not a fix. is there a way to totally remove this as it was not there before.
    4. Bangelon

      Docking Modifications

      While playing starmade a few days ago my bro made an off hand comment about adding an effect to a docking module. At first I was like no, thats not in the current build. Well he continued and said it would be great if we could add a repair beam controller and blocks to the dock so that when a...
    5. Bangelon

      Pirates not spawning

      I have been trying to get a pirate force to attack my shipyards for hours and nothing has spawned. I decided to go out and find them and still nothing. I can Initiate waves of pirates, but no random raids appear no matter how much time or what sector I sit in.
    6. Bangelon

      Left/Right Turret Blocks

      The Recent change to blocks facing has affected all ships with side mounted Turrets and Pirate ships/Bases. Pirate stations are now gimped and might as well be free to approach as the defending turrets are unable target approaching ships. Please either corrrect this or revert to previous dock...
    7. Bangelon

      AVA Industry

      Ava Industries, the creative arm of the Aesir-Vanir-Alliance, has been impressed with the many ships being released by other shipyards and Factions. In answer we have stepped up productions and are ready to release a few sneak peaks at models we are finished with. The first Model is our...