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    1. P

      How to get XOR gates to hook up with T flip flop

      I've been trying to hook up an xor gate to a T flip flop to a D flip flop (I can't figure out how to get these things to be of any use otherwise for actual bit storage). The way I've tried to do this is hooking up an XOR block to a button which is then hooked up to a T flip flop which is then...
    2. P

      Ramming AI help? What happened to it?

      what happened to being able to get an ai to ram an enemy? You use to be able to use a damage pulse computer to do so, but now that doesn't even work at all even with out considering ramming on a ai, it will just make the ai use its thrusters to fly backwards for no apparent reason (I guess it...
    3. P

      Bug AI not working with any consistency

      I won't submit a bug report until I know I'm not doing something wrong, however, whenever I try to create a ship AI, 9/10 times it does not appear to work. My first attempt at creating a ship was putting a cannon computer on a core with a bobby AI module, once activated, in ship mode, and on...
    4. P

      Fully Functional 8 Floor Elevator (Call elevator, see where its at and queue multiple floors)

      Hey, here is a fully functional elevator Download Link here Features 8 floors, buttons inside the elevator to go to each floor, the ability to queue multiple floors, and the ability to call the elevator to your...
    5. P

      Bug Rail Mass Enhancers aren't consuming power and aren't affecting any docked rail entities

      Here is an image that shows what is happening, no power consumption, speed enhancer is on and running, the entity simply won't move faster.
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      Bug Bugged flip flop behavior after paste (DEV BUILD)

      Flip flops will some times behave abnormally after paste (when connected to other logic it seems) in the Dev build, these gifs showcase this. As you see, the first gif shows normal function...
    7. P

      Isn't the new T "flip flop" just a T latch?

      In order to be a flip flop doesn't it have to be triggered with conjunction of a secondary input (IE clock), not simply T toggled? Other wise, we've already had "flip flops" for a long time, the activation module is technically an unclocked D latch, which you can actually convert into the new T...
    8. P

      Paranormal Area Trigger Activity

      After trying to make a final attempt to get a working elevator with out rails in the current *release version* (not dev build) I found that area triggers act sporadically, as in, at certain points of ships passing through them, they will set themselves on and off (given that they were activated...
    9. P

      Bug Trigger areas not performing as stated with moving ships?

      I've been trying to make an elevator with trigger areas to determine when the thing should stop, but I've encountered so many bugs so far it's been hard to get it to work. On of the problems is this trigger areas not working as intended for seemingly no reason. Here is the bugtracker...
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      Bug Elevator pushed through the top of a closed shaft with push beams

      As the title says I attempted to create an elevator, and while trying to use my push beams to make it move up, it appears as if the elevator just glides through the top of the shaft despite it being covered... Is this something any one else has found when moving ship entities inside of confined...
    11. P

      Position blocked by Abandoned?

      Has any one else had trouble with this error when building within the confines of a docked area? I was trying to make an elevator, and this bug was kind of annoying (you can build the thing before hand however and it seems to work). Here is the bug tracker thread with images of what I'm talking...
    12. P

      *Parts* of Ships and Turrets will some times disappear after restart

      Has any one else noticed sometimes ships do not load fully or parts of them simply disappear when restarting (especially when you have many ships in the same area?) I've submited the bugreport here I was just wondering if any one else has experience part of...
    13. P

      Bug Logic Bugs, AND and OR gates will not perform properly under some circumstances

      After testing JK latches in starmade, I found that they flat out didn't work for seemingly no reason. This link is what I tried to implement, and I'll upload the image files to show images of the problem. It seems...
    14. P

      Viability and shape of dangerous stealth ships?

      I've recently attempted to make decent size stealth ships (300 - 500 mass) and I've found that when talking about only a invisibility system, it takes too much power to possibly power anything in this range permanently at inefficient power shapes (IE not a circle or cube) and if you want to put...
    15. P

      Connecting multiple computers together as well as some pseudo implementation

      While I can't find this through the search bar on the forums I am almost positive this has been suggested before, but let me go into detail of the implementation, just to explain how ridiculous the fact that this hasn't happened yet. My suggestion is to add the ability to connect all utility...