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    1. Admiral.Piett

      Combat and game stage: The whole cake

      To everyone who will give into his or her time to read this, my intentions are solely to provide a different, stage view of the current status of the development of the game, and its mechanics, mostly focused to combat. I mean no disrespect to anyone ever, I use information from previous alpha...
    2. Admiral.Piett

      A way to effectively balance things: Mass, volume, and density.

      I am making this thread to centralize ideas, and place them in a more appropriate place to be discussed. By adding both things into the game calculations for ships and bases, VS the size of things (which is in part affected by density) we strike at several things. Before you read ahead, I need...
    3. Admiral.Piett

      Turret (balancing) arc/facing and docking logic. AI with more options and targetable missiles

      Well, into the fact the database backup erasing my post, I'll repost this ideas I think are worth taking a look at. This game will succeed more the more flexible designing a ship is. Therefore, I think the current "fit turret/ship into a box" mechanic should go away, we need mass docking, at...
    4. Admiral.Piett

      A formalized weapon system: Based on the SoTS Universe

      Anyone here played SoTS? I find the weapon system here lacks a level of integration and proper balance, but that is just fair for an alpha game stage. I would recommend that you look upon the weapon tech trees on the game of Sword of the Stars. It offers complexity and a good level of deepness...