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    1. N

      I need some help (Graphics)

      VBO was the cause, thanks for the help
    2. N

      I need some help (Graphics)

      It is off, and Yes
    3. N

      I need some help (Graphics)

      My shadows have been off for awhile and it still happens
    4. N

      I need some help (Graphics)

      Didn't help, kinda made it worse...
    5. N

      I need some help (Graphics)

      Nope, Didn't do anything, besides make the error changed colour This is my Computer specs if it helps
    6. N

      I need some help (Graphics) This is the problem, that and invisible entity's
    7. N

      I need some help (Graphics)

      Here it is, Hope it helps;
    8. N

      Crash at 100 Try this. Also I believe the 4000 series isn't powerful enough for starmade
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      I need some help (Graphics)

      I recently re-downloaded Starmade and when i play for the first ten seconds it loads fine. But after that everything disappears and i get a weird graphics issue, like a massive distorted triangle, and i don't have a clue why it is doing it. Please help
    10. N

      DIAGNOSTIC TOOL -- Starmade System Checker

      Edit; Nvm, t'was checking my other screen...
    11. N

      Act of Aggression against StarMade Moderators

      Obi, I don\'t know your story, Nor do I want to. But you going, \"Mods are banning people unfairly, That is abusing there power!\" Etc, Is the wrong way to do it. Take it up the chain of command. Think out side the box, Don\'t think defencivly. think Neutrally. And besides, If someone...
    12. N

      Act of Aggression against StarMade Moderators

      I hardly know what is going on, Nor do i pretend to. But all this Conflict has to stop. As a Former Moderator on a minecraft server (That shall not be named for it would be advertising), I feel that this could be handled alot better than it has been. First off, (Somewhere on page one) It was...
    13. N

      star drift server[open]

      IGN:Neo Faction: Do i need one? Previous Bans: Never been on a star made server. Why you want to Join: Main Reason is to Role play. Anything Else: I doubt i\'ll fight, And tbh even then i doubt my computer will even handle. I\'ll Most likely be a Hired Salvinger. Signed, Neo_Dicronus