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    1. Zeveryn

      My Semi Annual yawn.

      Hey. Logged on now to see if that promised playerbase increase was held. I'm sorry to see that it was delivered 😒 Miss starmade.. Rest in peace. ❤️👑
    2. Zeveryn

      My Semi Annual yawn.

      Is it here yet Nauvran? 🙄
    3. Zeveryn

      My Semi Annual yawn.

      Hey, its that time of the year again!
    4. Zeveryn

      Are there any Populated servers?

      You do understand that there was another forum before docks?
    5. Zeveryn

      My Semi Annual yawn.

      Hey, Im just posting this as a note for everyone to see.. Doing my semi Annual Checkin on the game. Playerbase is as low as last time. Progress on Game. uh... unsure. Moved on to discord now! Well thats progress at least. Chat removed.. Meh. Miss the old days.. :/ Plez.. Bring back...
    6. Zeveryn

      Just checking on an old relic game.

      Just checking on an old relic game.
    7. Zeveryn

      UEG (Recruiting)

      Looking Classy. /Z
    8. Zeveryn

      Where did all the playerbase and faction fun go?

      I dont mean to come off as rude but all of you except Crusader and keptic are new faces to me and propably much younger then the ones im talking about. Im talking about the epic toss of someones loss in face of their entire faction to spark conflicts that lasted months just to end up being...
    9. Zeveryn

      Where did all the playerbase and faction fun go?

      Id like to firstly say that i really have no idea if there is any background faction politics going on or if there really is no one bothering anymore.. So why am i writing this and why should you read it ? Well, i've been abscent for quite some time from this game but still trying to keep up...
    10. Zeveryn

      A History of Factions

      Updated file with Borg vs TE history.
    11. Zeveryn

      Looking for faction.

      Funny you Should ask. Next time i spawn in on elwyn, it will be 23m away from your station. Talk more about this elsewhere. Pm me
    12. Zeveryn

      Looking for faction.

      IM still lurking in the shadows unemployed :P
    13. Zeveryn

      Looking for Faction...

      Looking for Faction...
    14. Zeveryn

      The Thryn [Recruitment Limited]

      How is that an assault ship with such a light armament? How is it supposed to deploy all those soldiers with only 9 drop ships? so many questions...
    15. Zeveryn

      The Sith Empire

      There can only be two Sith lords at any given time... Lore wise.
    16. Zeveryn

      The Thryn [Recruitment Limited]

      Your flag is black White and red, i might misread but wasnt German flag black White and red before 19th century? Also why does it matter? Its just colors.. No one could stop me from using a swaztika. Since it had a meaning before nazi used it. Now everyone who dont know its True meaning Will...
    17. Zeveryn

      ANNOUNCEMENT -- No more forum drama.

      To be or not to be, that is the question... Fuck now imma get Banned... No forum drama.. ;) Hihi