Search results

    1. AnIronGolem

      Starter Not Working

      How much RAM have you got allocated and are you using the latest 64-bit Java? Latest 64-bit download if you haven't already got it -
    2. AnIronGolem

      100% CPU usage when generating a planet

      Whenever I get close enough to a planet for it to start rendering correctly (In Singleplayer) my CPU usage hits 97-100% and I drop down to 1-4 FPS (From 400+) CPU - i7-4790k Is there any setting that I can change that could help with this? EDIT: After screwing around with my settings, I found...
    3. AnIronGolem

      The Tartaran Empire - Recruiting

      IGN: AnIronGolem Age: 17 Strengths in Starmade: Mining (I used to be great with fighting, but I have yet to learn the new mechanics of the game) Desired section (e.g. Military)(For builder please show previous Work): Industry (Miner) Timezone: +9:30 GMT (No daylight savings) How often are...
    4. AnIronGolem


      How do people that have already bought the game get their medals for both buying it and buying it in Alpha?
    5. AnIronGolem

      Intel Graphics Crash Help

      Not using Vista :) My drivers ARE updated, But the thing is, The drivers are from HP, Not Intel, So I can't use the updated Intel drivers (Which work with Starmade, Unlike the HP ones)
    6. AnIronGolem

      Intel Graphics Crash Help

      Did this, When I got in, My laptop had started using the Microsoft basic drivers, So I had to reinstall the HP ones.
    7. AnIronGolem

      Intel Graphics Crash Help

      Also, Bump mapping and shadows are off.
    8. AnIronGolem

      Intel Graphics Crash Help

      Alternate launcher?
    9. AnIronGolem

      Intel Graphics Crash Help

      Dxdiag calls my Graphics "Intel HD Graphics family", Which I think means it's build-in to my CPU, Which is a Intel Core i5=4200U.
    10. AnIronGolem

      Intel Graphics Crash Help

      Hello! I'm one of the people that have had problems with the Intel Graphics causing a crash, I've tried to update my drivers at but my Laptop has third party drivers from HP. I went to the HP to see if there was any updates, But there was none for my CPU/GPU, What should I do now?
    11. AnIronGolem

      Intel(R) HD Graphics Family [Full Fix!]

      If you happen to find a fix for this, If you remember, Let me know :3
    12. AnIronGolem

      My Game isnt starting properly

      Had pretty much the same damn problem for about 2 months.... My laptop had no CPU update. The fix for me was waiting and checking back every 2 weeks for an update.
    13. AnIronGolem

      High-End Power Calculations

      Should post your creations to
    14. AnIronGolem

      ZimT-HUD - user interface // WIP iconset

      I love this.....
    15. AnIronGolem

      (NEW SHIP StarRise) Fire Light Resistance Shipyard: Ever growing work in progress.

      Hey, These are quite awesome builds, A good server for someone who is creative is: Its a creative server that you start with cap money! Just msg me here if you ever need more items/money... Also a great place to post pics of your builds is...
    16. AnIronGolem

      Ships disappearing after buying solution

    17. AnIronGolem

      Realistic scale

      I love the idea of warp drives.
    18. AnIronGolem

      The Star Saber

      Max speed?
    19. AnIronGolem

      Help with pirate stations.

      Just add a fuckload of AMC on your ship, blow up the f module and then remove them.