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    1. UrstMcRedHead

      Add Power per shot to Weapon Menu

      DISCLAIMER {I know that this is the Dev version, and what I'm proposing may already be in the works. I'm just mentioning this in case nobody else thought about it.} While testing out the DEV branch I ran into a very annoying UI issue with trying to figure out how much power each weapon system...
    2. UrstMcRedHead

      New Reactor Power Limitations

      Now that the new reactor system is out I've started testing it, and I feel like the new reactors are extremely underpowered. My first test was with making a simple expandable Noob-Miner, and it quickly expanded exponentially to power the relatively small/compact mining array. So that got...
    3. UrstMcRedHead

      WabbleCORP --- WIP NPC faction template

      When I saw the NPC Factions announcement I started playing around with some faction ideas that I had. Somehow I ended up sticking with a highly asymmetric small Bomber/Frigate design, and I'm going to see if I can build a fleet off of this aesthetic.
    4. UrstMcRedHead

      Bug LinuxMint17 64bit crash when loading maps

      When loading any map in single/multiplayer I get a ResourceExeption error 58% into the loading process, and if I hit retry on the error box I start getting null pointer, and GLException errors. I have the following computer setup: AMD FX Eight Core Proccessor Dual AMD Radeon 7950's Linux Mint...