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    1. Windoom

      WinDooM [No Lag]♦[64-Slot]♦[UK]♦[No Whitelist]

      ===============|SERVER|=============== ==============|HOT NEWS|============== Main thread is up! ***** This section will be updated with important news later on! ==============|+++|+++|============== THE SERVER Windoom Starmade is a public survival server with open PvP. The server...
    2. Windoom

      Random crashes

      We have been experiancing some issues with the starmade admin console causing some crashes, or so we suspect. We use it to keep our server up and running, but from time to time it crashes the server, returning this error: [2013-11-18 18:15:21] [ADMIN COMMAND] FACTION_CHECK from...
    3. Windoom

      Windoom is looking for passionate players to explore its galaxy!

      Since everything is in order now after the big wipe, I felt it would be appropriate to make this thread. We'd like to have some more enthusiasts in this tight community to keep things interesting. Thus if interested, perhaps tell us a few things things about yourself in a reply to this...
    4. Windoom

      |?| WINDOOM STARMADE |?| 24/7, no lag, 32-slot, UK |?| The Second Age Of Windoom Is Here

      After having lay dormant for years, the Windoom universe is back and ready for fresh blood! Think you are tough enough for us? Think you can take on our dreaded pirate boss? If so, then accept the following challenge: Enter the world of Windoom, build massive ships, form alliances and...