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    1. Cyrius

      Runtime Exception on NEW LOGIN

      I get Server Reject and asks for "Uplink" menu to authenticate but there is no uplink button
    2. Cyrius

      Faction Ranks, Transparent letters and WEDGE Docking?

      Faction Ranks, Transparent letters and WEDGE Docking? Faction ranks Being the system that's in place I find it to restrictive and should be slightly opened with more ranks. Here is my rank structure for my faction (although its every 2 ranks as one, using current system): Recruit - limited...
    3. Cyrius

      New Spawn in the center of Quadrant?

      Looking to create a spawn station with in the center of the quadrant that 2 2 2 spawn is and then change it to the new location. currently at this location of 8 8 8 is a sun but I cant remove it so that I can my Server Spawn station CENTER of the galaxy lol. tried export, import and despawn...