Recent content by Xtremesonicboom

    1. Xtremesonicboom

      Larger 3d Model importer?

      I would try out SMBEdit. It works much better than SMEdit. I can't personally vouch for the model import (not used it yet) but given how well the rest of the program works, I bet it'll work fine.
    2. Xtremesonicboom

      Dev Update August 20th 2017

      We may see official model import eventually, but until then, I have to plug SgSkallagrim's SMBEdit. With SMEdit being pretty much garbage at this point, SMBEdit is a worthy successor. SgSkallagrim is super helpful and was very prompt on getting back to me on issues I was having, which I've...
    3. Xtremesonicboom

      SMBEdit - Blueprint Editor

      Unfortunately, the pyqt5 version provided from the Anaconda repository, using the command you suggested, is version 5.3.2, which doesn't support python3.6. Looking around the Anaconda repository, I wasn't able to find a version of pyqt5 newer than 5.6, and that also doesn't support python3.6...
    4. Xtremesonicboom

      SMBEdit - Blueprint Editor

      I've double-checked all the files, even going so far as to locate them using windows search and comb through them. From what I can tell the error "File "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\", line 4, in <module> from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication" refers to a file...
    5. Xtremesonicboom

      SMBEdit - Blueprint Editor

      Well, I found that I also had Python 3.5.4 installed for some reason. After removing that, the log file got slightly more interesting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\Scripts\smbeditGUI-script.pyw", line 11, in <module>...
    6. Xtremesonicboom

      SMBEdit - Blueprint Editor

      Ok, checking the Python version returned Python 3.6.0 :: Anaconda 4.3.0 (64-bit) As for the redirecting the error to a log file, it has only one line: Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread Thank you for your prompt response, and I hope that this information gives you an...
    7. Xtremesonicboom

      SMBEdit - Blueprint Editor

      Went ahead and installed SMBEdit GUI on Windows. The GUI itself doesn't seem to work, as when I type smbeditGUI into CMD, it stays blank for a couple seconds, and then it goes back to waiting for input. The command line input works just fine though. When I get a chance, I'm going to test...
    8. Xtremesonicboom

      Variable block mass and construction price.

      The advantages of sloped armour don't apply to energy weapons. As for PvP ships becoming uglier, I don't think that would happen, because, when is a slope not adjacent to another 1-2 blocks? Thinking: ◢ ■            ■ Otherwise, if the ship designers take care when designing their ships, the...
    9. Xtremesonicboom

      Large and XL blocks to streamline ray tracing

      Disclaimer: What I'm about to say may be completely off base and wrong, however, based on what I think was said in the June 6th Dev Blog, algorithms will eventually be applied to blocks' faces to merge them together, thus cutting down on the number of faces that need to be rendered. If this is...
    10. Xtremesonicboom

      Visible logic lines

      I think this was on the table for being added eventually, but for now, you can turn them off completely in the options.
    11. Xtremesonicboom

      Read by Schine Semi-vague Lua Computer Suggestion

      Having read the Op and the many opinions on it in this thread, it seems to me that most people are concerned with a steep learning curve with significant benefits over existing systems. Those against the idea don't necessarily see the Lua system as having more functions than a similar logic...
    12. Xtremesonicboom

      Adv Build Mode Item: Curved Line

      While, as far as I know, this hasn't been officially confirmed, I've heard multiple credible rumours pointing to splines being an extension of the line tool. That'll work for curves. For now, though, you'll just have to approximate using the circle tool.
    13. Xtremesonicboom

      Massive planet station project

      Good luck with that. I tried to build the Death Star at full scale. It didn't work. The only thing you will get out of this project is a new appreciation for >10 FPS. Otherwise, yeah... you won't succeed.
    14. Xtremesonicboom

      binvox to sm3 blueprint (Released)

      I keep getting a segmentation fault when I run it. Any idea what's up?
    15. Xtremesonicboom

      I was thinking about making some Chrome Themes with your amazing art, and I'd like to make sure...

      I was thinking about making some Chrome Themes with your amazing art, and I'd like to make sure that's all right with you before I release them. I'll make sure I give all art credit to you, as I have all the art talent of a brain-dead chimp.