Recent content by Snowtiger256

    1. Snowtiger256

      Can I make a ship not span 5 sectors to properly space the reactor and stabiliazers?

      Yes, salvagers are 5 times more powerful now. According to my testing, you can build an array 80% smaller now, for the same salvage power you had before. For an example, I had a salvager requiring 51450 salvage modules in 1029 groups (50 block groups)for a total salvage power of 25,6...
    2. Snowtiger256

      Shipyard issue (maybe i'm dumb)

      You're probably not missing much, if anything. Sometimes it takes ten or twenty tries to get a design loaded properly in a shipyard, because the loading process just gets stuck at some point or the design refuses to load, claiming that "Design overlaps shipyard structure" even though it should...
    3. Snowtiger256

      Bug Beware! mixing up old and new Powerblocks

      There's a new patch (0.200.315) that should remedy this problem. I had the same problem (spontaneous overheating) when trying to dock a power 2.0 ship into a station with old power. I fixed the problem by removing the old power blocks from the station, to create a neutral stopgap so I could...
    4. Snowtiger256

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      Ohh! So sad, the Doctor in a PHAT bit o' rain. :cry:
    5. Snowtiger256

      Bug Advanced build mode wont show orientation of blocks

      This thing is an old bug, the game is supposed to render the preview bit on a black background with the block on it, but it usually ends up rendering just the black bit and you only see a few random colored pixels of the block on it. It's been like that for ages, on and off depending on the...
    6. Snowtiger256

      Saber's Thread

      OK so, 19:00 (7:00 PM, GMT +2), and goes on until 23:00 (11:00 PM)... mkay, I can do that...
    7. Snowtiger256

      Thoughts on Crafting Changes

      Yes, factories can now be limited to producing just as many bocks you want to. Also, factories, storage and shipyard computers now have a removal dialogue if they're in use (as in you have inventory stored in them). This reminds you that it is in use, and prevents accidental removing of said...
    8. Snowtiger256

      Starmade memes

      Starmade shopkeeps attack players?! Skynet Confirmed!
    9. Snowtiger256

      Planets not fully rendering?

      Planets have been, and will probably continue to be laggy and glitched until the Universe update in the future. I suggest you stay away from planets for now. There have been and probably is plans of rebuilding them at least partially for many years now, yet little has happened to them, because...
    10. Snowtiger256

      unable to revert to stable

      "There will still be issues, and while it should run fine, we strongly advise to backup your universe or try it out on a separate installation." - Schema, StarMade v0.200.250 Prerelease News There you go, a fairly recent quote from the Cat-God himself, to remind you to save your original...
    11. Snowtiger256

      Hover craft on stations

      Use an Entity Gravity Mobility Chamber on the station, then make a floater with 10:1 thrust-to-mass ratio and you'll have a winner. I've done that myself and it does work. Conventional ships need the Anti-Gravity chamber, because they're too heavy for the 10:1 TMR. With repulsors you can make a...
    12. Snowtiger256

      Stabilizer Connection Beam Tweaks

      Apparently in the latest pre/dev build of the game(build 0.200.269), the beam deactivates when ships are docked into a station (possibly due to the ship reactor being inactive). This allows easier building into the area the beam occupies (without having to lean face first into the beam to see...
    13. Snowtiger256

      What's up with the ugly power beam in the new pre release?

      It was even worse in previous dev builds(specifically dev .262), due to a buggy implementation, FPS went through the floor into the basement and remained there(right down to 1FPS slideshow). Schema himself fixed it ASAP and now the game is at least playable on most computers.
    14. Snowtiger256

      Dev .262, Game unplayable

      Thank you, for myself and all the people who run stuff on potatoes as a necessity. I'm sorry about being irate and crass in the OP, but that's my initial way of responding to stress and disappointment. I wish you all happy holidays and a good new year, and I hope SM will be better after all the...
    15. Snowtiger256

      Dev .262, Game unplayable

      No luck whatsoever. Tried with both options on, both options off, and individually, FPS went down to 1 as soon as I spawned in anything with a practically scaled reactor setup, and stayed there until I despawned the test ship. I was doing this in a practically empty sector (the test sector had...