Recent content by SlyPieGuy

    1. SlyPieGuy

      Stuck Synchronizing

      It worked thank you so much for helping me!!!!!
    2. SlyPieGuy

      Stuck Synchronizing

      Those are the log.text.0 folders the one that couldn't connect is on a desktop, and the one that could is a laptop. I wiped the log folders on both nothing changed.
    3. SlyPieGuy

      Hey andy can you please help me with a problem im having? Link to thread...

      Hey andy can you please help me with a problem im having? Link to thread:
    4. SlyPieGuy

      Stuck Synchronizing

      Ok thnx, Ill check that out thourghly later, but i noticed that it said windows 7, does it work for windows 10 aswell?
    5. SlyPieGuy

      Stuck Synchronizing

      Im pretty sure its not blocked but i will recheck and how could i check to see if 4242 is in use?
    6. SlyPieGuy

      Stuck Synchronizing

      What exactly would i search for on the firewall? and I am connected to my internet via Lan cable and my other computer is connected wirelessly.
    7. SlyPieGuy

      Stuck Synchronizing

      When ever I try join a specific server that me and my friend play on, one of my computers is stuck requesting synchronizing, and my other computer just joins but cant run the game well, I can play on other servers just fine but that one I can't and I have done a lot in it. I have tried...