Recent content by Skypheonix

    1. S

      StarMade 0.1851 Hotfixes and More Mining

      loving the frequent updates, been back playing starmade for a few weeks now and loving all the new stuff recently XD im just wondering if i wanted to change the ore distribution myself would i be able to?? if i can were would i need to go, kinda new to modding and such but iv had lots of fun...
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      StarMade 0.1839 Bug Fixes & Balance

      thank you for fixing salvage eating power but it feels really weak now. some bugs maybe, my 94 lazor + 94 cannon + 94 overdrive setup eats 0 power, Disintegrator on a ship dose not disappear after being activated and deals no damage to the ship but deals damage to surrounding objects, funny...
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      StarMade 0.175 Custom Server Textures, Fixes, and Secret

      ahh ok cool yeh i have been away for a loooong time haha thank you for the info XD after putting a factory down on a planet, i found the recipe are all ready there XD thank you for solving my problem.
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      StarMade 0.175 Custom Server Textures, Fixes, and Secret

      just recently come back to starmade after playing some other games and im impressed about the changes XD the new planets are awesome and multislots, crafting system updates and something about a spider mob, unfortunately i havent been able to test the crafting system as every time i attempt to...
    5. S

      Core hp to easy

      i was thinking of a way to make it harder to kill massive ships instead of go for the core and its dead, if you increased the cores max HP by 1 for every 1 block used, it will make combat longer making it more fun, ok i know there is hardened armor you can use but the core is were you drive...