Recent content by Praecursor210

    1. Praecursor210

      StarMade v0.19226 Rail System and more

      No craft for new blocks ? I don't see them in factories.
    2. Praecursor210

      Suggestion Multi-language Wiki

      Hello ! Starmade becomes popular, but in some communities, including mine, the French community, there is a big lack of official wiki in our language. I suggest to make the official wiki Starmade multi-language. An official wiki for non-English players will allow them to more easily find...
    3. Praecursor210

      StarMade 0.0943

      Since this update, my server crashes a lot for unknown reasons. Example logs just before the crash: [2013-10-17 23:55:27] [SERVER] client has not send any login information: 2000 / 10000 [2013-10-17 23:55:27] [2013-10-17 23:55:27] at...
    4. Praecursor210

      Lack of credits

      Indeed, the lack of money on the servers starts to appear and could pose a very big problem very quickly for some of them. The shops should have more basic credits and receive more of the Trading Guild when it comes refuel shops. (I\'m sorry for the bad English but I\'m French)