Recent content by n42k

    1. n42k

      Game Balance Suggestions

      Allow server admins to specify the player's starting conditions, from the blocks they start with, to whether they spawn near a shop or near a planet or ON a planet. I've loved getting rid of all blocks I had and starting crafting everything I wanted from scratch on a empty planet and would love...
    2. n42k

      Absurdly low look sensitivity, help needed

      This problem has already been discussed here: tl;dr: Starmade\'s mouse sensivity seems tied to the FPS. I have 2 graphic cards and can confirm this. If I run it with intel\'s integrated one, it\'s extremely hard to turn using the...
    3. n42k

      Mouse sensitivity tied to FPS in Linux

      I\'d like to confirm that this happens. I have a laptop with optimus and I\'m on linux. If I run starmade with intel\'s gpu, mouse movement is very jerky and it\'s unplayable while with a dedicated nvidia gpu it goes just fine. Thanks.