Recent content by moontheman

    1. moontheman

      Scientific Suggestions

      I'm not sure if it's "retarded" but it is bright. Although there is not much in the vacuum of space to block the light of the suns. Solar panels would be a nice aesthetic feature for a modern space ship. I like the idea of different types of energy sources, consumable fuel and configurable...
    2. moontheman

      The new website is quite impressive!!!

      The new website is quite impressive!!!
    3. moontheman

      Graphics performance optimization (0.133)

      The Cubatom system will allow you to split an item but when trying to split another, it splits the previous item instead.
    4. moontheman

      How to Upload Pictures

      Please make this a stickie. I use google for my pics and would like more detailed instructions for additional pic services. Having to side-scroll to see oversized pics on a 4x3 monitor is a pain.
    5. moontheman

      Indy Gunship

      My new Indy Gunship.
    6. moontheman

      Turret and roll bug (Schema Pleasse read)

      Looking at the build box(blue), your ship seems to have some invisible blocks attached to it. One of the messages also refers to blocks below the core. I suggest deleting the core and trying a fresh core. Be sure and give it a new name. Naming ships alike has caused many people problems.
    7. moontheman

      A little confused

      It is not a browser based game. The launcher is saved to your PC and will install the latest build when run. You have the choice to play on a local server or join an online server. If your PC is a little lacking in performance, you may have better luck joining a public server. The local play...
    8. moontheman

      Halo Inspired/More "Human" Texture Pack [WIP] [ALPHA RELEASE]

      I enjoy seeing other\'s texture upgrades. It will be nice when server side options are available and everyone can see your work instead of just you. I have dabbled with some of the textures but am lacking in the skill department. I\'ll get better with time, I suppose.
    9. moontheman

      Deconstructing Stations & Permanent Player Char

      I have had this happen more than once. The first time I just relogged and all was well. The second time i was going to get some screen shots. I got the ship lined up with my player but accidentaly fired the AMC and shot myself in the back of the head. I laughed so hard I had to mute...
    10. moontheman


    11. moontheman


      I am still building but I wanted to get some pics showing progress. The brown is too flat. I will have to make some changes to the exterior Large ship catwalk The interior is starting to fill in.
    12. moontheman


      I have almost completed the RCO Base Station. Pics will be up soon.
    13. moontheman

      Post your best screenies here!

      This is a combination of three ships that appeared when I spawned in a ballistics target.
    14. moontheman
