Recent content by MidasGold

    1. M

      Most efficient power reactor pattern?

      i just slap shit in there
    2. M

      3rd person view!

      In relation to the Build Mode slowing down you can change that in the server.cfg PHYSICS_LINEAR_DAMPING = 0.09 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown PHYSICS_ROTATIONAL_DAMPING = 0.09 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0...
    3. M

      Combat Oriented Ships

      Nice =)
    4. M

      New Years News

      This looks amazing can\'t wait
    5. M

      a docking mechanic idea to fit docks into smaller areas

      I love the idea of a second box inside the first.I\'m always having to mack massive space when all i ehant is to have a escape pod or small turret hidden in a recess on my ship.
    6. M

      Turret Facings

      I agree
    7. M

      Creating random factions

      I would love to be able to set what ships these random factions use. u could give a faction a titan and an opposing faction lots of smaller ships, then sit back and watch the battle. Or better yet Ally with one side and join the war.
    8. M


      I love this idea. But limiting would ruin the idea of fixing large ships. Having to recollect the blocks or cost more credits than the original blueprint would already be a deterrent. Unless of course they\'re an Admin.
    9. M

      Cohenian Merchants

      Though the they have a very fast uprising
    10. M

      Cohenian Merchants

      Sounds cool