Recent content by Kaamio

    1. Kaamio

      Recoil Direction unclear

      I reckon recoil force could easily be calculated outside of combat, we got center of mass and mass available so calculating recoil strength and direction based on those should be relatively minor thing - depending on how it's implemented of course.
    2. Kaamio

      Recognized Fleet Maintenance (Repair and Resupply)

      I really agree with this idea, although if shipyards dismantle and rebuild ships, then it's fairly likely that there is no ready infrastructure within game code to support actual block replacement repair system. Gameplay would be only improved from having a mobile repair option that can handle...
    3. Kaamio

      Incentives to Expansion (Anti-Turtling)

      I pretty much agree. One thing I believe is that default multiplayer should have reason for "regular" free for all pvp / faction war as well as griefing protection in place. Hard core people could change the whatever systems are in place to what they want, but for the representative MP I do...
    4. Kaamio

      Incentives to Expansion (Anti-Turtling)

      I don't really like the idea of everything consuming FP, since I like to have a couple of ships built and project or two in the making, easily amounting like 3 ships with 2M power generation, maybe one of them with more... then again, it's up to what config allows easily. Still, it's again not...
    5. Kaamio

      Incentives to Expansion (Anti-Turtling)

      Not entirely bad idea, though I think it would be circumvented with a couple of alts joining just to bump up your FP production. Personally, I'd like to see rather more FP generation from non- system claiming stations or something to make spreading your dominion easier and to have a reason to...
    6. Kaamio

      Incentives to Expansion (Anti-Turtling)

      Agreed, while homebases enable turtling at reasonably central location, what causes it is the ability of others to attack you and destroy everything you have. Basically, it's a very successful griefing protection. That doesn't mean it's the bestest possible and the only choice ever available...
    7. Kaamio

      Incentives to Expansion (Anti-Turtling)

      A lot of this has already been said, but... what we need to "stop turtling" (aka making people subject themselves to griefing as interpreted by some) is a few things: 1: Benefit, something worth the risk of getting wiped out back to your homebase. 2: Protection, to make it feasible for you to...
    8. Kaamio

      Read by Schine Fleets and what could be used to control them

      For limiting AI spam I'd prefer to go with the soft cap of energy used by control enabling blocks. I've mentioned this before but ability to control AI drones could be tied to controller and antenna arrays, cost scaling up with drone size and amount. Support for multiple flights would be superb...
    9. Kaamio

      Minimum weapon damage

      One of the main issues for fighters and bombers (and their interaction with larger ships) in Starmade is how weaponry works. Ships have no armor at all, to speak of, and all weapon power is generated locally. In real life, armor tends to be all or nothing solution on vehicles as a...
    10. Kaamio

      Armor is stronger than shields

      I thought beams don't pierce if they hit hull or armor with armor hp still left in the pool. Did you test it or is that assumed due to natural pierce effect?
    11. Kaamio

      New power generator setup? *UPDATED*

      I heard that shield supply causes the supplier to be "under fire", so available shield for transfer will be fairly low on long run. Not sure how shield system size and cap/recharge ratios play into regen under fire, though. Edit: if you test it out of combat and have reasonable regen in main...
    12. Kaamio

      StarMade v0.19361 Flash Light, Ship Scores, On-Ship Spawning & Bugfixes

      Nice, and groundwork for pirate spawning control! I made a little woop shout at work because of that. Didn't see the beam fix though... case of blindness, accidental omission or "it's fixed in dev version" being a malicious, evil lie? Get well soon, Schema.
    13. Kaamio

      fix the beams and quit screwing with feature additions

      Well to be fair, there was a call for testers just recently so I'd guess there aren't enough of those, which would explain such issues. Generally speaking, I'm ok with the general activity of the dev team, it's just those "it's fixed in the dev build" messages that really push my buttons...
    14. Kaamio

      fix the beams and quit screwing with feature additions

      I agree on the part that gamebreaking bits ought to get hotfixed in a more timely fashion. Once a week or maybe two weeks patching might be acceptable if hotfixing is a seriously tedious to do, but with uncertain schedule and long times between patches, things like beams being broken and the...
    15. Kaamio

      The Solar Threat

      Well the problem is that computer knows where you are and calculates the way to your waypoint, it just ignores suns and other minor issues. Of course there's blind jumpimg but that's not used when traveling to a spesific destination.