Recent content by Cyrius

    1. Cyrius

      Runtime Exception on NEW LOGIN

      I get Server Reject and asks for "Uplink" menu to authenticate but there is no uplink button
    2. Cyrius

      Well trying to design a Light Transport with Multi Modules using Rail system

      Well trying to design a Light Transport with Multi Modules using Rail system
    3. Cyrius

      Thruster changes

      The speed and thrust systems seem to be fine. However with no "space friction" I have seen to many players lose there ship doing 500+ because of a server crash or connection lost. So each server based on size of sector and max speed should be reflected by themselves. I played on one server where...
    4. Cyrius

      Draconia -Retro TV shell ship 2015-08-06

      Dark Phoenix Syndicate Shell Series (reason for hollow shell is to see different build with same hull design) {CHALLENGE ISSUED - What is YOUR rating?} Retro TV show in 1980s, ship based on 'Buck Rogers' was the command ship of Princess Ardala yes I started with a smedit build help original...
    5. Cyrius

      Faction Ranks, Transparent letters and WEDGE Docking?

      Holt I was trying to create less blocks to be programed into the game a transparent block with letters on the inside so the textures showed when placed onto other blocks is what I suggesting and they need only to make two color letters black and white so that it can show on dark or light colors...
    6. Cyrius

      Faction Ranks, Transparent letters and WEDGE Docking?

      Starhaiden I don't want to limit members to personnel ships limitations just faction builds or fleet missions we set up as group Lecic as I said that is MY rank structure we just need more RANKS that's my suggestion more ranks
    7. Cyrius

      Faction Ranks, Transparent letters and WEDGE Docking?

      Transparent letters Using the glass block as a basic idea place the letter texture on the inside and make the rest of the glass block transparent having only one side with the letter graphic
    8. Cyrius

      Faction Ranks, Transparent letters and WEDGE Docking?

      Faction Ranks, Transparent letters and WEDGE Docking? Faction ranks Being the system that's in place I find it to restrictive and should be slightly opened with more ranks. Here is my rank structure for my faction (although its every 2 ranks as one, using current system): Recruit - limited...
    9. Cyrius

      New Spawn in the center of Quadrant?

      So I guess no way to remove sun yet
    10. Cyrius

      New Spawn in the center of Quadrant?

      yeah was trying to create spawn in the center of the quadrant so if I get my server running spawn is more in the center then on the edge thanks for the help all too always the odd details that's over looked
    11. Cyrius

      New Spawn in the center of Quadrant?

      yes but the sun in 8 8 8 will still remain in the new spawn not very healthy
    12. Cyrius

      New Spawn in the center of Quadrant?

      Looking to create a spawn station with in the center of the quadrant that 2 2 2 spawn is and then change it to the new location. currently at this location of 8 8 8 is a sun but I cant remove it so that I can my Server Spawn station CENTER of the galaxy lol. tried export, import and despawn...
    13. Cyrius

      Universe Editor

      I like the idea but most admin commands take this. What I like to see is some command or program that allows for changing of names of stars and over all lighting of each galaxy or even being able to select the number of arms each galaxy has when spawned in
    14. Cyrius


      I don't know what I have done wrong but I lost my working SMEdit and now I cant find any of the jar files needed to reinstall But I love the work you done til now keep it up I juat wait for next edition to come out so whats next on the list a galaxy editor lol
    15. Cyrius

      Ship classes!

      Ship Cores and Clasifications I have noticed that everyone feels they have to compensate with a larger ship design to make up for something lacking in their life I guess. I find this rather annoying and think smaller ships or at least different ship cores are needed. I am former USNavy service...