Recent content by crazystevex

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      New Eden Fleetworks | EVE Online Ships in StarMade

      How do you get the ship models? I was hoping to try building some Gallente frigates and destroyers
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      ORE industry's Venture (V1) 2014-08-16

      Here is my build rendition of the ORE Industry Venture from Eve Online as a salvager. Has a fair amount of salvage cannons and storage space with a partly finished interior. There is some room let for adding weapons and extra shields if you so choose. Enjoy!
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      import a space station?

      So I see you can download space stations just like ships but what I cant figure out is how to import it into my game and then spawn it. Is it similar to importing ships? Sorry complete noob here any help is appreiciated thanks.
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      First ship, Strike Comet 2014-08-12

      First ship, needs work still. as im still learning the game
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      Cant connect to servers

      I'm getting the exact same thing happening as Epicness15, did any of these steps fix your problem?