Recent content by 1adog1

    1. 1adog1

      Bug Computer - Weapon Links Moving on Game Restart

      Yeah replacing the computers fixes the problem temporarily, but as soon as I restart the game they move again. Also the movement for me only happens once (after the selections are on their selected blocks), and whenever they move, they always move to the same place in relation to the ship core...
    2. 1adog1

      Bug Computer - Weapon Links Moving on Game Restart

      After a bit more testing, I can pretty much confirm that the problem is with the ship's core. I decided to delete the logic file within the blueprint, respawn the ship, and reconnect everything. After I did that, I noticed that only the computers I connected to the ship core were affected, and...
    3. 1adog1

      Bug Computer - Weapon Links Moving on Game Restart

      Thanks for the reply! I just tried copying the blueprint over to a new world, but the glitches are still happening. People have said deleting the logic file in the blueprint might work, but since it would get rid of all the links on the ship I'm saving it for a last resort. Here's the blueprint:
    4. 1adog1

      Any way to fix the Ghost Computer bug? /Nope

      Ah, I'll give that one a try, thanks for your help!
    5. 1adog1

      Any way to fix the Ghost Computer bug? /Nope

      I should've checked this thread before I posted mine. I'm having a similar thing, except the selection cubes are moving while the blocks are still there and linked. Weapons will fire from the spots of the selection cubes and NOT the physical blocks. Lights still seem to work at least...
    6. 1adog1

      Bug Computer - Weapon Links Moving on Game Restart

      Hi Everyone! I'm getting a strange problem where (especially on large ships), the purple links I make between weapons and their computers are moving, so when I fire the weapon it actually fires from 10-15 blocks below where any weapon modules are. The same thing is starting to happen with logic...
    7. 1adog1

      A Manifesto on the Relationship Between Fighters, Titans and AI

      Sorry I've been posting kinda on and off here, busy times lately lol These two things are direct restrictions, which in a sandbox game should be avoided at all costs. If you're going to put in restrictions people are going to want a logical reason for them being there. Simply saying "This ship...
    8. 1adog1

      A Manifesto on the Relationship Between Fighters, Titans and AI

      You've pretty much summed up everything that this game needs for realistic battles! (Kind of building off of Brobiwan_Kenobi's post above me.) Along with all this though, the issue of producing all those small A.I. fighters is going to become a future issue. What if instead of our current...
    9. 1adog1

      Site Error During the Buy Process

      Just tried to upgrade again and it worked with no issues. Also linked up my Steam account! -Cheers! :D
    10. 1adog1

      Site Error During the Buy Process

      Hey everyone! I've just tried to buy StarMade from here by clicking the Buy button. I typed in my credit card information on the registry, clicked "Purchase StarMade", and got an error saying something along the lines of: "The site has encountered an error. If you are an owner please check the...
    11. 1adog1

      StarMade 0.18 - A new Universe

      Erm... Let's say someone was flying through the back hole transit system... Now say that that person's game crashed and exited them out of their ship. Now the ship is flying without a pilot at speeds well above the server limit through the transit system... How would one get their ship back?
    12. 1adog1

      Working on My First Capital Ship, Any Advice?

      lol I completely forgot about this thread until Dirt113 here posted again. Believe it or not I'm still working on the ship, and it's actually very close to being complete. Everything but the detailed interiors and turrets are now complete. I'll upload some pictures a bit later. I've been...
    13. 1adog1

      Sensors Anyone?

      yes but as you just said it would require knowledge of the ships design, since 99% of ships on servers are custom built by their owners there's only a tiny chance of someone knowing the ship enough to find its core. Also the ship would rotate around its geological center instead of its core if...
    14. 1adog1

      Power should EXPLODE!

      What do you mean?